[drivingpairs] Re: Pair musings

  • From: FriesianPrDriver@xxxxxxx
  • To: drivingpairs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 20:30:53 EDT

We drove the new pair of Friesian mares again last Sunday, although to the  
marathon wagon - not the sleigh ;-).  I had two "navigators" on the  back.  The 
older one is so reliable - she makes it easy breaking in  her little sister.  
We drove on the farm first - past all kinds of "scary"  things - then went 
down the road a couple of miles to a friend's  farm.  The younger one had to 
over yellow traffic lines, scary white  styrofoam boxes in a creek behind a 
guard rail, yellow H's painted on  the road, puddles that might jump up and get 
you, etc.  You could see her  confidence growing as they cruised along.  She 
was so proud of herself when  she finally stomped on the yellow H!  The best 
was the mini paint stallion  that came galloping up to the fenceline right 
along the road - he was scarier  than everything else!  She never knew horses 
that small!  My  friend's paint horses galloping along next to us didn't 
bother her.  When  we arrived, they stood quietly for at least 20 mins while we 
all chatted.   Later on the same day, we drove the pair of ponies over to visit 
also, along  with my Mom's single pony.  Was the best fun we'd all had in a 
while!  :-)  Especially for the ponies - they got to let loose and gallop for a 
while in the big back field.  Very happy ponies!  Pairs are way more  fun 
than singles...... 
Karen  Wilkin
Star Cross Stable Friesian Horses & Sport Ponies
_www.starcrossstable.com_ (http://www.starcrossstable.com/) 
47  Yellowbrook Rd.
Freehold, NJ 07728
f:  732-919-3828
e-mail:  FriesianPrDriver@xxxxxxx

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