[dokuwiki] Re: DokuWiki Farms Idea

  • From: Sebastian Menge <sebastian.menge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:11:53 +0200

Am Sun, 22 Jun 2008 12:08:37 +0200
schrieb chi@xxxxxxxxxxx:

> Yes I know, http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:farm suggests the same.
> I'am rather looking for a out of the box solution which isn't as
> tedious to setup like the symlink setup. Well, I guess I'll give it a
> go and see if I can come up with something useful ;).

I use that one for a farm of 5 wikis and it works great. But chimerics
approach sounds much cleaner since all the "logic" is done in php and
not "hacked" in the shell. Some additional ideas for farming:

A "Master wiki"? I think of one wiki to manage child wikis.
The masterwiki could have a plugin to add/configure new child-wikis.
That would solve the chicken and egg problem.

IMHO there should be a way to configure what configuration and which
plugins are global and what is local. This requires some thinking ....
Inheritance? Switch on/off plugins for the child-wikis? "Include the
global stuff, then add the local stuff" (as in local.protected.php)

As I write I get clearer about my ideas from the admins perspective:

If I understand chi correctly, there will be something like a hook at
initialization. That's a patch for dw itself that will not interfere
with a standard standalone dokuwiki.

Then one installs an "action plugin" in the "master wiki" that allows
to add and configure (only the difference to the master wiki) new child
wikis with different data and conf locations.

Great idea chimeric!

Best regards, Sebastian.
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