[Debatewise RRT] weekend debates

  • From: Colin Helling <cohelling@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: debatewiserrt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 00:05:58 +0000 (GMT)

Evening all,
Apologies for once again being very late, better than not getting the debates 
out at all like last week though! It shows that we have been busy that I have 
no idea what the main stories of the last week were - or perhaps it may just 
show that it was a slow news week!
The Afghan Government has to negotiate with the Taliban.It is becoming 
increasingly obvious that pouring more soldiers into Afghanistan is not the 
solution to Afghanistan's conflict. At some point the Afghan government will 
have to negotiate with parts of the Taliban if it is to survive when NATO 
forces do finally concede defeat. Is it better that negotiations begin soon or 
should the Karzai wait to try to gain more victories on the ground and restore 
its legitimacy that, at least in western eyes, it lost in the farcical 
 (to show its not new ;))
Does Mahmoud Abbas' decision not to seek re election threaten the peace 
process?The stalling of negotiations with Israel has prompted the moderate 
Fatah leader of the Palestinian Authority to state that he will not seek re 
election. As a moderate his decision both reinforces the impass in negotiations 
by showing that he no longer thinks it likely that he can be the one to bring 
peace and makes it more likely that someone more radical will come to power in 
the PA which would make peace with Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu much more 
difficult.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8344687.stm http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1126169.html http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1257417381662&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull
Obama one year in. Voters in the US have had their say for the first time since 
Obama was elected, in several gubernatorial the democrats went down to defeat. 
Even in New Jersey, normally core democrat territory the democrats were 
defeated. While opinion of Obama may have plummeted this is no reason to write 
off his first year. He has made little progress internationally but has made a 
start on numerous big issues such as reducing nuclear weapons. He has been 
concentrating on the economy and now the USA is pulling out of recession and 
Healthcare has just passed the first hurdle in the House. So far success or 


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