[darkice] Re: dumpfile size 4G+

  • From: Friedrich Strohmaier <damokles4-listen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: darkice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 22:51:58 +0100

Hi Borut, *,

Am 05.12.2014 um 16:21 schrieb Borut Mrak:

> We're using the builtin (and very badly documented) feature to cut our
> archive into more manageable pieces.

reading Your lines made me aware, that I'm thinking wrong about the funktion of
the dump file. I asumed it to be a mandatory *buffer* file needed by darkice to
buffer things. It was the example configuration containing an activated
"localDumpFile" making me think like that.

As I don't need any local copy of the stream, I've now simply commented out the
"localDumpFile" stanza and everything appears to be fine.


> We do however have a problem that i've been struggling with for a while now,
> so I might as well ask now, if someone could help. Occasionally the
> connection from the encoder machine (on our internal network) and icecast
> (external) fails and when that happens, darkice also stops archiving the
> stream to disk. I could probably solve this by using [file-x] sections
> instead of archiving from [icecast-x], but that would mean running another
> encoder and I haven't come around to doing it yet. The problem does not
> happen often, maybe once a month, but it is annoying.

Sadly I can't be of any help with Your problem, darkice stopping also local
dump when failing to reconnect after network outage.

Thanks for Your explanation and sorry @ll for the noise.

Freies Radio Wüste Welle

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