[cryptome] 'The lessons of this moment.' The testimony by police brass at Derek Chauvin's trial is unprecedented

  • From: douglasrankine <douglasrankine@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Cryptome FL <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 12:18:50 +0100

see url: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/10/us/derek-chauvin-george-floyd-trial-testimony/index.html

see full report and videos...


An unprecedented lineup of law enforcement officers -- including the Minneapolis police chief -- took the stand at the murder trial of former officer Derek Chauvin, denouncing him for kneeling on the neck of George Floyd for more than nine minutes.
As rare as it is for police-involved deaths to lead to a criminal trial -- let alone a conviction -- the sight of the top cop and other brass testifying against a former subordinate is even rarer.
Chief Medaria Arradondo on Monday thoroughly rejected Chauvin's actions and use of force during the arrest of Floyd last May as contrary to department policy.
"Once there was no longer any resistance and clearly, when Mr. Floyd was no longer responsive and even motionless, to continue to apply that level of force to a person proned out, handcuffed behind their back -- that in no way shape or form is anything that is by policy," the police chief told the jury. "It is not part of our training, and it is certainly not part of our ethics or our values."

>>>End of Quote

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  • » [cryptome] 'The lessons of this moment.' The testimony by police brass at Derek Chauvin's trial is unprecedented - douglasrankine