[cryptome] California's strict gun laws no deterrent for San Jose gunman

  • From: douglasrankine <douglasrankine@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Cryptome FL <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2021 17:38:53 +0100

see url: https://www.foxnews.com/us/californias-strict-gun-laws-no-deterrent-for-san-jose-gunman

see full report...Waste of time a state having any sort of control on guns...Citizens and non-citizens can get them elsewhere...They can even be printed out on 3D cameras without any serial numbers.  One just hopes that the US never participates in another civil war... the country is awash with guns of all sorts. Even certain law enforcement agencies have access to armoured vehicles...Let us hope that they are all loyal to the US Written Constitution...but I doubt it...if one looks at what happened on Capitol Hill...😉 Still, the mass killings by individual with perceived grudges will continue to grow...and there is nuffink wrong with having a gun around in the house when one is mad, drunk or angry or a mixture of them all...makes it easier to wreak havoc...😉


The state banned the sale of high-capacity magazines in 2013.

A disgruntled employee who gunned down nine co-workers at a Northern California railyard Wednesday morning appears to have circumvented some of the state’s strict gun laws.

The gunman, identified as maintenance worker Samuel Cassidy, 57, legally obtained the three semi-automatic pistols he used in the San Jose shooting at the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority facility.

But the magazines he used – 32 in all – held 12 to 15 rounds; magazines with more than 10 rounds are illegal in California, according to The Mercury News of San Jose.

The state banned the sale of those magazines in 2013 and possession of them in 2016, so it’s possible the gunman obtained them legally years ago. He also could have bought them legally for a short period of time last summer during a court challenge before the ban was restored.


It is also illegal to have a gun in a transit facility.

"California’s ‘no gun’ policies were completely ignored by the killer," Aidan Johnston, director of federal affairs for Gun Owners of America, said, according to The Mercury News. "Did that stop the mass murderer? No. Did it leave law-abiding citizens defenseless? Yes."

>>>End of Quote

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  • » [cryptome] California's strict gun laws no deterrent for San Jose gunman - douglasrankine