[cryptome] Angst grips America's most liberal city

  • From: "Doug" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "douglasrankine" for DMARC)
  • To: Cryptome FL <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2021 11:27:14 +0100

see url: https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/565550-rapid-change-churns-seattle-creating-political-turmoil

see full article.  Interesting read on the false dichotomy of setting up right from left...as if one or t'other is the cause of the problems...It's like watching Nero setting fires as Rome burns...(actually recent testimony suggests that Nero, didn't in fact do that...but never mind)...😉  People like to put people into frames, into categories, which is their way of simplifying a problem...then apportion out the blame...as if that then solves the problem and it goes away.

It might make solving problems look easy, but that is the illusion.  Actually solving problems takes careful framing and categorising and breaking knowledge up into digestible chunks and then working out a viable workable programme from that...However, in our complex society such framing and categorising of problems and people has to be so flexible that it finishes up in hypocrisy...It's why I never became a politician or an ideologue...😉  One has only to look at South Africa to see what I mean...the dreams and aspirations of the ANC and freedom from apartheid, never in fact materialised...Instead the corruption both political and economic got worse, the ANC turned counter-revolutionary and became positively criminal, and the poor indigenous people got poorer and the rich old colonialists got richer and live in even more gated and regulated enclaves well away from the poverty stricken masses, hardly even sharing these gated communities with the middle class indigenes who have taken over South Africa in alliance with foreign corporations...Seattle has become a bit like that...😉


SEATTLE — America’s most liberal city stands at an uneasy crossroads.

For decades, Seattle has been the vanguard of the nation’s progressive movement. It was the first major city to adopt a $15 per hour minimum wage, to allow gig economy workers to affiliate with a union and to impose, albeit briefly, a per-employee tax on major corporations.

Along the way, it has experienced the explosive growth of a mammoth tech industry that has changed the face of a racially and economically diverse population. Neighborhoods once defined by commingling populations of immigrants and blue-collar families now teem with new condos, local restaurants have been replaced by high-end pot shops and encampments filled with those who can no longer afford to live in their city now line the its two major freeways.

As a consequence of that new growth, the median household income in Seattle stands at $92,000, up almost 50 percent from a decade before. But the price of a single-family home has more than doubled over the same span, to $1 million, according to data from the Seattle-based real estate firm Zillow.

“There’s been so much historic disequilibrium when you look at every aspect of civic engagement, civic society,” said state Sen. Reuven Carlyle (D), who represents a Seattle district. “It’s the subtle undertone that is quietly prominent.”

Tensions have grown so heated here between a rising generation of ultra-progressive leaders and activists and the more traditionally liberal Democrats who have dominated the city’s politics for so long that the old Seattle way of compromise politics has been eschewed for one of protest and purity.

One City Council member, a self-described socialist, led a march last year to the home of Mayor Jenny Durkan (D), whose address is kept confidential because of ongoing death threats related to her past work as a federal prosecutor.

“There certainly are those people who like a fight, or who like an enemy or a foil, because that makes good politics. But I don’t think that’s how most Seattleites feel,” said Rachel Smith, president of the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. “We do our best work in this region when we work in coalition.”

>>>End of Quote

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  • » [cryptome] Angst grips America's most liberal city - Doug