[cocomud] Re: Needing testers

  • From: cocomud@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: cocomud@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2018 19:34:03 +0200

Hi Vincent,

I would be very happy to test all of your betas!

Simply send me the link and your questions.

Best wishes from Germany!

Am 09.10.2018 um 18:45 schrieb cocomud@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Hi everyone,

This list has been quiet these last months, in part due to my own schedule (and no, it's not going to improve).  However, I try to find more time to work on CocoMUD itself.

Right now, we're starting a new sprint that might take a bit longer to release than usual.  I'm trying to update CocoMUD on Python 3, and work on a number of optimization.  This sprint should bring more speed and a lighter client, but it might also lead to unstability.  Hence this email.

I'm looking for testers.  Contrary to usual, I would like to release a beta version of the client that you could download and test to give me early feedback before I actually push it in the update stream.  There will be a lot of little changes that might be hard to find, some hidden in dialogs, some hidden in scripts, some errors that even with extended testing, I might not be able to spy.  So if you are interested, just reply to this e-mail to let me know.  I will probably end up by uploading a public beta version that anyone can download, although it won't be part of an update just yet.

A side-note on Mac users: I have been asked several times whether CocoMUD worked on Mac.  My answer hasn't changed: I don't have a Mac myself and cannot test.  However, I'm taking this opportunity to update the process to build from source.  It is much easier (on Windows, it takes only a command).  Of course, with different platforms, different issues might arise.  However, if someone is willing to build CocoMUD from source on his or her own Mac, I will be happy to give more instruction and receive early feedback from Mac users.  Again, Mac won't be part of the update system just yet (as Linux is not, although I'm still testing CocoMUD under Linux) but at least knowing whether it works would be a step forward.



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