[cisb102su01] Re: CISB 102: Lesson 4 Question 4 Telnetting

  • From: Humvee413@xxxxxxx
  • To: <cisb102su01@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:35:03 EDT

Telnet was big back in the old days (1994). Most isp's offered TELNET/SHELL 
access as a standard feature in a webhosting package.  Gradually this has began 
to disappear because it takes a lot more monitoring of web servers to maintain 
security on servers where users have REAL (non-virtual) accounts.  This cuts 
into ISP profits and thus today you have many huge, generic ISP clones that 
rely on software as their only means of security and have substituted weak 
interfaces such as web-shells and cgi-wrappers for the real thing.  This is 
about like confusing a garden burger for a filet mingon.  Telnet is by far the 
MOST POWERFUL interface you can have into a web server.  Telnet is not 
available for NT users but is available on some of the better hosting 

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