[ciphershed] Re: Summary of Skype call with Jos

  • From: Stephen R Guglielmo <srguglielmo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ciphershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 23:54:54 -0400

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 10:19 PM, compul <compul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don't think hosting our stuff on the cloud would be a good idea (some
> people had some objections to that when TCNext did it). However hosting
> download mirrors will certainly be helpful.

I don't really know how "the cloud" works, other than this[1]
explanation, but I'd prefer to have a server that we manage ourselves.
Niklas seems to have good experience with running various web
services, as do I. Although, I must admit the majority of my knowledge
leans towards FreeBSD rather than GNU/Linux, but I have experience
with nginx, postgresql, php, pf (the firewall), and jails. That could
all be useful down the line for security reasons (such as running our
web stuff in a jail and having an automatic build script running in
another jail...stuff like that).

[1] http://www.xkcd.com/908/    -   Sorry, I feel like I have a XKCD
comic for every situation ;-)

> I wanted to keep the links on the main site simple; it's already quite
> full to my usability taste. The forum and the wiki both are things you
> want to find regularly and just be able to click quickly to get there,
> whereas you look for a mailing list only once. I think it would be a
> waste of user attention to put that link up there. Also common
> community communication runs on forums, while ML is more.. technical /
> involved? So I really don't think reading the three sentences on the
> mainpage, or finding the Interact tab on the wiki, will be a hard task
> for somebody invested enough to join the mailing list.

I agree with keeping it simple. We currently have the "interact" page
here [2], so maybe we can remove the "forum" link from the nav bar,
replacing it with an "Interact" link? We also have a link to the wiki
from the main page: "For more technical information about the project,
please visit our wiki." so maybe the wiki link can be removed too? So
that would remove two links and add one.

[2] https://ciphershed.org/Interact/

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