[chaoscope] first questions ...

  • From: luiz braga <lbraga@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: chaoscope@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 22:03:35 -0400 (EDT)

Hello Nicolas and all,

I'm a new-kid-on-the-strange-attractors-block .
I installed the 0.3 a few days ago. 
I don't know much about it but I'm already
having tons of fun with it.
To me .. it works like some kind of MAGIC ...


What is the maximum number of iterations 
that can be applied to a render? There's a point
where I increase the 'iterations' but the estimated
time of complition does not increase anymore.
Does it mean it reached a 'limit'?

( this is a dumb question )
When I save a csview file in the projects folder
it gets lost. I'm not able to find it when I open
the prokects folder .. there I just find the csproj
files. Why???

Thanks a lot!
keep up the fantastic work.

Louis Braga


-----Original Message-----
>From: Chaoscope <chaoscope@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Jul 1, 2006 8:45 AM
>To: chaoscope@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [chaoscope] Re: Color combinations for rendering solids
>Hi Christian, Sven, Peter, Manny, Zak, hello all,
>Christian: The only way one can adjust a Solid Mode lighting set is by 
>editing the project file manually, i.e. open the project file in Notepad 
>and changing the "direction" and "color" components. Read the 5th 
>chapter of the manual to understand how these values are stored. You can 
>also use the "Random Lights" feature but you will most likely get a 
>green and/or a magenta set of lights for some random reason. :-) 
>Furthermore, you can load one of the gallery Solid projects View 
>Settings (by loading a project as a .csview) to replace your current set.
>Zak: a .csview file is a Chaoscope View Settings file, it's a project 
>file minus the attractor information. You can save them in your project 
>folder if you wish. They're useful if you want to reuse a combination of 
>gradients or lights on different projects for instance. When you load a 
>.csview file all the information it contains replaces the current 
>project View Settings. Read the 5th chapter of the manual and tell us 
>what you need clarified.
>Hopefully once everyone will have familiarized themselves with the new 
>version, standard Solid View Settings will become available online. I 
>plan to upload a batch to the web site at some point.
>As for choosing the right colors and the right lights, it's all down to 
>your personal taste and talent, there is no secret: the more energy you 
>will spend tweaking the Solid mode parameters (colors, Opacity, Gamma, 
>Roughness, etc.) the nicer your render will be.
>About post-processing: I have absolutely nothing against it, a picture 
>is beautiful or it isn't regardless of how it was created. However I 
>can't display post-processed renders on the web site galleries because 
>they're a showcase of Chaoscope output. Imagine the kind of emails I 
>would receive if I had inserted a semi-naked female character on a 
>render (like I've seen done on Renderosity). :-)
>3D export of an attractor has been discussed at length in the 
>mailing-list and there's little I can add that hasn't been said already. 
>The feature will most likely be implemented in version 0.4.
>After receiving a couple of licensing inquiries, I've decided that 0.4 
>will introduce a "commercial use" fee. This means that anyone who will 
>sell resources created on Chaoscope 0.4 will have to contribute to the 
>project financially. This doesn't apply to all versions pre 0.4 and will 
>not affect most of you, Chaoscope will remain free for non-commercial use.
>I've attached a project for you to play with, it's a close relative of 
>"Horloge Interne". :-)
>Nicolas Desprez

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