<CT> wmv files

  • From: Phillip Dionne <pdionne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 00:50:31 -0500

Hello all

I have a friend who has windows 2000 and has sent me two video files with
the extension .wmv he says it's the standard windows media player file.  But
I've tried to play the file in windows 98 and the media player just says
that it can't regonize the file format.  Can anyone on the list tell me what
format a .wmv file is?  And is there any programs available that will alow
me to play these video files in windows 3.1, win98, dos, or linux?  I've not
been able to find anything that works yet. 

Some one the list asked a while back if there was a program that could tell
you the cpu and mother board temp for windows 3.11,  I've found such a
program the url:




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