<CT> Scripters

  • From: "George R. Stilwell, Jr." <GRSJr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 19:50:10

I've been using Batch Builder (batchrun.exe) undet Norton Desktop for
some years. If I get a new machine with WIN98, will this scripting
language still work? Or, is there a similar program for WIN98? 

Batchrun lets you simply code up a program that pushes the buttons
on any application just as if you had used the shortcut keys. It
also has minimal, but adequate, instructions to test conditions,
change windows, make loops, etc. So I can fully automate a process
like going out on the web, collecting my stock prices, puting them in
a spreadsheet, which shows everything I might want to know
about my investments. 

I also use it to automate many other activities on my machine.

So, I'm not enthusiastic about a WIN98 machine if I can't automate it.
But I can't use lots of stuff that's only available for the newer Windows
OS. So it's a catch22 unless I can find an automater that's easy to use.

Ray Stilwell

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