<CT> Re: Hurricane for Win 3.11 (what??)

  • From: Bob Groves <Bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 15:12:10 +0000

At 29/12/2000 20:09:00, you wrote:
>> And for those that do not know perhaps someone who is more
>>articulate than I and is using Hurricane can explain to anyone interested
>>what it does.
>You've aroused my curiosity.  What's Hurricane?

Proggy for Win 3.1 (and there's a version for 95 which isn't very
good in my opinion) which sorts the low resource problem out
and generally accelerates cache and disk accesses. I use it with
Calmira on my DX2 and have found it to be pretty good. Certainly
reduces the number of crashes... though it can be a pig with one
or two awkward packages (funnily enough, M$ ones).

Bob Groves

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