<CT> Re: Another DOS Application Launcher/Shell

  • From: Norm Finch <NormF@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 14:05:34 -0600

While we're on this subject ...

Does anyone have any current registration info on "fastmenu GOLD
7.0b"?  Over the last couple of years, I have tried many searches on
the author--JL Hildenbrand--to no avail.  Apparently, this is another
piece of elegant work that has turned into abandonware.

It's a great DOS GUI, the best I've ever found--no memory overhead,
mouse friendly, 3D display, handy desktop utilities, etc.  It does
require VGA, but these days even most of we retro types have that.
The only problem I have with it is the occassional nag screen, which
pops up every so often because I'm running an unregistered copy.
(Hence my interest in registration.)  If you don't mind that and
you're curious enough to want to check it out for yourself, try either
of these Simtel addresses for a copy:


Norm Finch
"The chief virtue that language can have is clearness." - Hippocrates
               -- Peace.  Write well.  Do good work. --

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