<CT> Folder Windows

  • From: Norm Finch <NormF@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Calmira Tips <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 17:11:39 -0600

Is there a way to control the size and placement of the window that's
created when using a shortcut to open a folder?

When I want to enjoy a little music of my own choosing in the office,
I use this method to bring up a library of my MP3 files, a playlist if
you will.  It's real handy -- double click on any desired selection
and it loads my player (AudioActive) beside the window, and then
AudioActive immediately starts playing the selection.  The problem is
that the window isn't big enough to be able to read the descriptions
fully, and it could be placed on the screen better.  To this point, my
only alternative has been to yank the folder window around and stretch
it out manually each session ... do-able, but not very elegant.  :-(

Any greater wisdom out there that can shed light on this?

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               -- Peace.  Write well.  Do good work. --

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