[bsg] HORDES x 3 of American Crow, Wardview and Gilliam quads, elsewhere 1/18/14.

  • From: Terry Davis <trdavis22@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Bulletin Board for Dissemination of Information on Louisiana Birds <LABIRD-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "bsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <bsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 17:23:33 -0800 (PST)

Hi all, 

Birded the back roads of Northeastern Caddo Parish today, spending 4 hours in 
Wardview, then one hour in Gilliam quad. The wind was high out of S-w after 
0900 or so and resulting spp counts for both quads were extremely low but as 
usual, had a few decent records records- including an AMAZINGLY HIGH count of 
American Crow! The first amazing artifact I'd noticed of this cold winter was 
American White Pelican numbers on the Bossier Caddo Bienville Christmas Bird 
Count, now American Crow. Although it's nothing to get 800 to 1000 or more AMCR 
individuals at some hotspots, such as Sentell Rd, then La 1 near Powhatan, etc, 
today was by far the most crows I'd ever seen in a single day- x 3!!

With a meager 47 spp in Wardview and 35 in Gilliam, here are some better notes- 
(except low for last three)


SHORT-EARED OWL- 1- grassy ditch/ adjacent corn stubble and grassy field .8 
miles N of Hosston Millers Bluff rd on Gilliam Scott Slough

American Crow- 2624- counted by singles flying East first, then 10's 20's, 50's 
and blocked by 100's for some larger concentrations in fields, from La hwy 2 to 
near Mission Plantation on Ark line. Largest concentrations from La hwy 2 to 
approximately 2 miles N on GSC- ultra conservative!! All flyovers/commuters 
were moving generally E over Gilliam Scott Slough. Most birds downed in fields 
early were also hop-scotching/ rolling E over the road. A few groups were still 
there upon my return.

Harris's Sparrow- 1 ad male- At La hwy 2 and Gilliam Scott Slough (consistent 
here) Seems like nearly all records have been adult this season!!

Horned Lark- 33...low

American Pipit- 35.......low

Lapland Longspur- 28...low

After returning to Gilliam quad and skipping some AMCR groups between Hwy 2 and 
my starting point for continuing AMCR count  (3 miles as the crow flies to S-e) 
some distance N on Gilliam Levee Rd, I counted 1812 in Gilliam, also

Horned Lark- 7.....very low!

American Pipit- 27.......very low!

LARK SPARROW- 3 Gilliam Airport Rd/ Eclipse Rd- near Adger rd.

Leaving there, I was in a hurry to get home so took La 71 back toward 
Shreveport. Had I taken 3049 and the Sentell Rd loop, considering the much 
higher AMCR numbers than usual elsewhere, I'm betting the AMCR totals would 
have been in excess of 6000, maybe 7000 or more. I added another 200 along 71 
near Dixie, then a final count of 850 on E side of La 71 just North of N Shreve 
Equipment for a grand  total of 5486!!- which is a HECK OF A LOT of American 

Good birding,


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  • » [bsg] HORDES x 3 of American Crow, Wardview and Gilliam quads, elsewhere 1/18/14. - Terry Davis