[bsg] Birding Red River par/ RRNWR Yates, then Sentell/ Caddo- 11-21 and 22-15.

  • From: Terry Davis <terkchip@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "LABIRD-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <LABIRD-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "bsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <bsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 17:34:36 -0600

La birders, Birded Yates yesterday with Larry Raymond and Rosemary Seidler,
then joined toward end of survey by Charlie Lyon shortly before we began
looking for Short-eared Owl- to no avail. We struggled against strong n
wind during the entire survey, except at very end, when against projected
hourly forecast, it remained rather brisk. Numbers of GRYE, WHIB and GREG
were somewhat noteworthy. Detections of most others were quite low- again,
mainly due to competition with the fierce, relentless wind. Here's that


Arrived a little after 7 to Sentell Rd, beginning on rd just se of sod
farm, then birded the sod farm proper/ lots of walking. Things were going
ok there here up until I lost my recorder. Flagged ebird records were still
pretty much ho-hum, depending on the individual fall season. I've been
thinking about it for quite some time and have slept on it for several
months, then for a good long nap again today after losing the recorder. I'm
going to give work-type/report-birding-shenanigans a break for awhile-
maybe up until CBC time. Then again, maybe longer. It's been fun, y'all. (:
Here's the Sentell list-



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  • » [bsg] Birding Red River par/ RRNWR Yates, then Sentell/ Caddo- 11-21 and 22-15. - Terry Davis