[Bristol-Birds] Late Report for Last Sunday - TVA Path, Hampton Creek Cove, Roan Mountain

  • From: Robert Biller <xyon42@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Bristol-birds <bristol-birds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 12:37:38 -0400

Late report for last Sunday. Ron Carrico, David Kirske, and myself birded
the TVA Path in Colonial Heights(Sullivan County), then to Hampton Creek
Cove(Carter County), and then went up Roan Mountain.

Complete list is below:


Observers Ron Carrico, David Kirske, Rob Biller

TVA Path (T)  - End of Wesley Road, Colonial Heights, Sullivan County, TN
Exide Rd - (E) - Sullivan County
Hampton Creek Cove(HCC) - Carter County (part of Roan Mountain)
Roan Mountain(RM) - Carter County - Up through the Park and near to the top.

 1.Canada Goose (T)
 2.Wood Ducks (T)
 3.Mallards (T)
 4.Wild Turkey (E)
 5.Double-crested Cormorants ~4 (T)
 6.Great Blue Herons (T)
 7.Black Vulture (T)
 8.Turkey Vultures (HCC)
 9.Bald Eagle (T)
10.Red-shouldered Hawk (HCC)
11.Broad-winged Hawk(HCC)
12.Red-tailed Hawk (T)
13.American Kestrel (T,E)
14.Killdeer (T)
15.Spotted Sandpipers ~6 (T)
16.Rock Pigeon (yes)
17.Mourning Dove (all)
18.Chimney Swifts (T)
19.Ruby-throated Hummingbird (T, HCC, RM)
20.Belted Kingfisher (T)
21.Red-bellied Woodpecker (T)
22.Downy Woodpeckers (T)
23.Hairy Woodpecker (T)
24.Northern Flicker (T)
25.Pileated Woodpecker (T)
26.Alder Flycatcher 2-3 (HCC)
27.Willow Flycatcher (HCC)
28.Least Flycatcher (RM)
29.Eastern Phoebe (HCC, RM)
30.Eastern Kingbird (HCC, T)
31.Great Crested Flycatcher (T)
32.White-eyed Vireo (T, HCC)
33.Blue-headed Vireo (RM)
34.Red-eyed Vireo (T, HCC, RM)
35.Common Raven (HCC)
36.Carolina Chickadee (HCC)
37.Tufted Titmouse (T, HCC)
38.White-breasted Nuthatch (Ronnie's Home - Bristol)
39 Carolina Wren (T, HCC)
40.House Wren (Ronnie's Neighbor - Bristol)
41.Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (T)
42.Veerys (RM)
43.Wood Thrush (T)
44.American Robin (yes)
45.Gray Catbird (HCC)
46.Northern Mockingbird (Yes)
47.Brown Thrasher (HCC)
48.European Starling (Yes)
49.Cedar Waxwings (T, HCC)
50.Blue-winged Warbler (HCC)
51.Golden-winged Warbler (HCC, RM)
52.Northern Parula (HCC, RM)
53.Yellow Warbler (T, HCC)
54.Chestnut-sided Warbler (HCC, RM)
55.Black-throated Blue Warbler (RM)
56.Black-throated Green Warbler (RM)
57.Blackpoll Warbler (HCC)
58.Black and White Warbler (HCC)
59.American Redstart (T, HCC, RM)
60.Ovenbird (RM)
61.Common Yellowthroat (T, HCC)
62.Hooded Warbler (HCC, RM)
63.Canada Warblers(RM)
64.Yellow-breasted Chats (T, HCC)
65.Scarlet Tanager (HCC)
66.Eastern Towhee (T, HCC, RM)
67.Chipping Sparrow (HCC, RM)
68.Field Sparrow (T, HCC)
69.Song Sparrow (T, HCC)
70.Dark-eyed Junco (RM)
71.Northern Cardinal (Yes)
72.Rose-breasted Grosbeak (HCC, RM)
73.Indigo Bunting (T, HCC, RM)
74.Red-winged Blackbird (T)
75.Common Grackle (T, HCC)
76.Brown-headed Cowbird (T, HCC)
77.Orchard Oriole (T, HCC)
78.Baltimore Oriole (T)
79.Pine Siskin (RM) - 3 still near the feeders but the feeders were empty.
80.American Goldfinch (T, HCC, RM)
81.House Sparrow (McDonalds)

Other related posts:

  • » [Bristol-Birds] Late Report for Last Sunday - TVA Path, Hampton Creek Cove, Roan Mountain - Robert Biller