[brailleblaster] 32-bit installation at home works

  • From: "Keith Creasy" <kcreasy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:31:03 -0400



This is a bit of good news. I installed from the installer that I posted at
home, on a 32-bit 
Windows 8 machine, and everything worked very smoothly.


I also found an error in the book I opened. A tab character for some reason
was embedded in the middle of the word "united". LibLouis converted it to a
space, as expected. I just tabbed up to the text view, used backspace to
remove the tab char, and instantly the braille was corrected.


This is getting exciting even though I know there are a lot of things yet to


Thanks everyone for the hard work on this!




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