[bookshare-discuss] "Wolves of the Calla" problem

  • From: "boomerdad" <boomerdad@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 00:54:11 -0800

Okay, this is getting ridiculous.
You all may remember my difficulty with Wizard and Glass, wherein a page of 
text was completely illegible and the whole book was double-spaced.  So I 
simply submitted my own scan of the book.  But now, I've found an even greater 
travesty with Wolves of the Calla, the next book in the series.

It isn't even halfway complete.

I've been reading the book and realized I skipped a page from the book when I 
scanned it, and having lent the book to a friend, I thought "Well, that's okay, 
Bookshare will come to my rescue!"  I downloaded the book, opened it, and tried 
to find my page--around page 504.  Imagine my frustration to find that the book 
only went up to OpenBook page 218.  I'm not sure what printed page that equals, 
because I didn't bother to look ... but I did make sure it wasn't simply a case 
of a whoooole lot of material being on each page.  It wasn't.  I'd say there 
are no more than 300 of the 700+-page book in the bookshare file.  How in the 
name of all the gods who do and don't exist did this get past validation?

I'm sure glad I went ahead and bought the book, because if I'd relied on 
Bookshare I would've been extremely ticked off.  Imagine getting 300 pages into 
a story only to learn that there are 400 pages to go and you can't finish it!  
Sheesh!  As it is, I'm simply going to have to stop reading for a few days till 
I get in touch with my friend and get the book back.

I can resubmit my copy of the book, but I gotta tell ya, it isn't in Bookshare 
shape, because I knew the book was already on Bookshare so I didn't do what I 
normally do when I scan books for Bookshare--save the title page and page 
numbers and such.  I can re-scan the title page, but I am *not* going page by 
page and re-inserting page numbers.  <Grin>

Well, thanks for listening to me vent.  I guess if I hope to accomplish 
anything by this message besides venting, it's to ensure that people be careful 
when validating books.  I read elsewhere on this list there's a back-log of 
books to be validated, and I just would caution people to not be so quick to 
validate that things get ... well ... sloppy.  I appreciate the time and effort 
people take to volunteer chunks of their lives to validating books, so please 
don't take the caution as a blast of any kind ... but you must admit, 400 
missing pages is a bit ... peeving.

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