[bookshare-discuss] Re: Book of quotations

  • From: Tony Baechler <bookshare@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 01:27:17 -0700


I don't go to libraries. I don't really have the transportation. I was thinking about purchasing it. I need at least the title and author. I don't remember who the author was and didn't see it posted in this thread. The ISBN would be helpful but not required. Please email that to bookrequest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx If someone wants to scan it, please say so. I have no idea if I can get it or not at a reasonable price but I'll look as soon as I get the title and author emailed.

At 01:33 PM 8/25/07 -0700, you wrote:
We should get that Yale Book of Quotations on the wishlist then. I had forgotten to go to my library and look and see if the 1000+ pages were like one quote per page or if it was going to be a massive task.

I still can't drive so I haven't been going to the library myself. Maybe Tony will know? I think he was asking about the book because he was thinking about purchasing it.

Tony Baechler
Baechler Productions

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