[blindeudora] JAWS 13 loading the wrong scripts for Eudora

  • From: Ann Byrne <annakb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blindeudora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2012 22:29:59 -0600

Writing a note in Eudora moments ago, JAWS was really sluggish. Insert-q told me that MS Word settings were loaded, and the program being executed was Eudora.exe. I closed and reopened eudora, thinking that JAWS would reload the Eudora scripts, but insert-q continued to report that Word settings were loaded and the program was Eudora.

Unloading and reloading JAWS fixed the problem. But I would have thought closing and reopening Eudora would do it. Prior to eudora I had been using Word, but why JAWS didn't release the Word scripts and wake up the Eudora scripts is a mystery. to me.

Has anyone else seen this? Short of unloading JAWS, is there a quick way to reload the scripts for the active program???

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