[blind-democracy] ALYSON KENNEDY, SWP CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT,‘Fight to win workers control of production’

  • From: "Roger Loran Bailey" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "rogerbailey81" for DMARC)
  • To: blind-democracy <blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 11:33:47 -0500

‘Fight to win workers control of production’
Vol. 84/No. 6
February 17, 2020
MILITANT/GERARDO SÁNCHEZ Alyson Kennedy, left, Socialist Workers Party 2020 presidential candidate, discusses SWP’s working-class campaign with Valero
station worker Carol Ortega in Joshua, Texas, Feb. 4. figure
Alyson Kennedy, left, Socialist Workers Party 2020 presidential candidate, discusses SWP’s working-class campaign with Valero station worker Carol Ortega
in Joshua, Texas, Feb. 4.
MILITANT/GERARDO SÁNCHEZ Alyson Kennedy, left, Socialist Workers Party 2020 presidential candidate, discusses SWP’s working-class campaign with Valero
station worker Carol Ortega in Joshua, Texas, Feb. 4. figure end
“I’ve watched a lot of State of the Union speeches by both Democratic and Republican presidents,” Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for
president, told the Militant from Dallas Feb. 5. “No matter what party is in office, they try to convince working people we are all part of a big happy
family with the capitalists, that we are all in this together.”
“But it’s not ‘our’ country, or ‘our’ government,” Kennedy said. “Working people and the owners of big business have sharply counterposed interests. They
exploit our labor at home and turn us into cannon fodder in their wars to protect markets and exploitation abroad.
MILITANT/TONY LANE SWP vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett discusses the party’s platform with campaign endorser Melanie Meade, a fighter against
pollution by U.S. Steel in Clairton, Pennsylvania. figure
SWP vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett discusses the party’s platform with campaign endorser Melanie Meade, a fighter against pollution by U.S.
Steel in Clairton, Pennsylvania.
MILITANT/TONY LANE SWP vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett discusses the party’s platform with campaign endorser Melanie Meade, a fighter against
pollution by U.S. Steel in Clairton, Pennsylvania. figure end
“They want to make as much profit as they can by keeping our wages as low and the pace of production as fast as they can get away with.”
“On-the-job injuries are climbing. We need workers control over production,” Kennedy said. “That’s a key part of our platform. It’s how workers can defend
themselves on the job at the same time as we can begin to see that we are capable of replacing the bosses and their government and run society ourselves.”
“Working people cannot look to the White House, or Congress or any capitalist politician to change the conditions we face,” Kennedy said. “We have to build
a movement to fight for higher wages, better conditions and workers control. To open the road to working people taking power and forming a workers and
farmers government.
See directory to contact party campaign office nearest you. figure
See directory to contact party campaign office nearest you. figure end
“That’s why our campaign says workers need their own party, a labor party, and why we are proposing a fighting platform to go forward,” she said.
Kennedy, her running mate Malcolm Jarrett, and SWP candidates for U.S. Senate and other offices, are campaigning in cities and towns, large and small,
talking to working people on their doorsteps.
On Feb. 4, Kennedy and Gerardo Sánchez, the party’s candidate for U.S. Senate, teamed up to campaign in Joshua, Texas. They ran into Carol Ortega as she
was coming home from work at her part-time job at a Valero gas station.
“Our party is a working-class party that believes the only way to change the deteriorating conditions that we live every day is to stand up and fight,”
Kennedy told her. “Our campaign backs every fight by workers for better wages and working conditions, like the strike being waged today by copper miners
against the Asarco bosses in Texas and Arizona.”
Socialist Workers Party launching campaign of Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett for president and vice president was featured in Feb. 5 “Frontburner”
column in D Magazine. The article quoted from press release announcing Feb. 8 meeting launching the campaign in Dallas. “My campaign presents a road forward
for working-class struggle to advance the self-confidence, fighting capacities and class consciousness of working people,” Kennedy said. figure
Socialist Workers Party launching campaign of Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett for president and vice president was featured in Feb. 5 “Frontburner”
column in D Magazine. The article quoted from press release announcing Feb. 8 meeting launching the campaign in Dallas. “My campaign presents a road forward
for working-class struggle to advance the self-confidence, fighting capacities and class consciousness of working people,” Kennedy said.
Socialist Workers Party launching campaign of Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett for president and vice president was featured in Feb. 5 “Frontburner”
column in D Magazine. The article quoted from press release announcing Feb. 8 meeting launching the campaign in Dallas. “My campaign presents a road forward
for working-class struggle to advance the self-confidence, fighting capacities and class consciousness of working people,” Kennedy said. figure end
Ortega told them she was facing hard times. When the “Affordable Care Act” was first passed, she said, “I was able to get health insurance for $78 a month
for me and my son, but now I pay $378 just for myself.” Kennedy showed her
The Clintons’ Anti-Working-Class Record: Why Washington Fears Working People,
a book by SWP National Secretary Jack Barnes, which describes how the Clinton administration together with a Republican-controlled Congress worked together
to end the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program.
“I didn’t know about that,” Ortega said. “I always thought Clinton was a good president.”
No matter which party is in the White House, Kennedy said, the president is just the chief executive officer for the capitalist class. “Obama’s ‘affordable’
health care is just another program that benefits big capitalist insurance companies. The Socialist Workers Party fights for universal, government-guaranteed
cradle-to-grave health care, and retirement income for all.”
Ortega got a copy of the Militant and asked Kennedy and Sánchez to come back after payday so she can get a subscription and some of the books by party
leaders they showed her.
On Feb. 2, Kennedy campaigned with supporters at an apartment complex in Richards, Texas, that had been hit by a tornado last October. Many buildings still
had blue tarps on the roofs.
U.S. out of the Middle East!
“My campaign demands that Washington immediately withdraw every single troop and all of its military weapons from the Middle East,” Kennedy told Shakr
Ali, a cashier who emigrated to the U.S. from Yemen.
“I think the U.S. should stay  because the Iranian government is so bad,” Ali said, referring to Tehran’s intervention in Yemen, including arming and organizing
“But the U.S. intervention there aims to defend the capitalists’ investments and markets, not the interests of working people,” Kennedy said. “In fact,
their wars are an obstacle to us organizing and fighting there for more control and better conditions.”
“The platform of the SWP is not designed to patch up the crisis-ridden capitalist system, but to point a road forward for working people to fight to protect
their interests against the brutal aggression of the bosses, their political parties and their government.
“Working people in Yemen and Iran, just like in the U.S., need to gain self-confidence and class consciousness in struggle to replace the capitalist regimes
there,” Kennedy said.
SWP Campaign Coupon
Click here
 to email Socialist Workers Party 2020 Campaign.
article end
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Socialist Workers Party 2020 campaign platform
This is the SWP’s fighting campaign platform to confront the economic, social and moral crisis caused by capitalism: UNIONS/FOR A LABOR PARTY Support workers’
struggles to organize to defend themselves, to use union power on behalf of ourselves and all…
article end
Why workers should fight for control of production
As part of strengthening the self-confidence, fighting capacities and class consciousness of working people, Socialist Workers Party candidates for president
and vice president Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, explain why the fight for workers control of production is a key…
article end
Front Page Articles
list of 6 items
• Open door for talks on Israel, Palestine state recognition
• ‘Fight to win workers control of production’
• As Trump touts jobs and peace, Democrats face mounting crisis
• See Cuba’s revolution for yourself, sign up for 2020 May Day Brigade
• Support miners on strike against Asarco bosses’ union busting!
• Out of the EU, UK rulers seek trade bloc with Washington
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Feature Articles
list of 1 items
• China rulers take steps to consolidate control in Asia
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Also In This Issue
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• Relatives of slain protesters in Iran reject gov’t bribes
• Amazon, Walmart robots speed up work, increase injuries
• UK fight over firing for defense of women’s rights, science
• Harvard scientists charged in spying for China
• Why workers should fight for control of production
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On the Picket Line
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• Seattle hospital workers strike for ‘patients before profits’
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Books of the Month
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• Fidel’s leadership was decisive in defending Angola independence
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25, 50 and 75 years ago
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Sam Harris
“Tell a devout Christian that his wife is cheating on him, or that frozen 
yogurt can make a man invisible, and he is likely to require as much evidence 
as anyone else, and to be persuaded only to the extent that you give it. Tell 
him that the book he keeps by his bed was written by an invisible deity who 
will punish him with fire for eternity if he fails to accept its every 
incredible claim about the universe, and he seems to require no evidence what 
so ever.”
― Sam Harris,

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  • » [blind-democracy] ALYSON KENNEDY, SWP CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT,‘Fight to win workers control of production’ - Roger Loran Bailey