[bksvol-discuss] Re: Preferred OCR software?

  • From: "Judy s." <cherryjam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 14:24:37 -0500

Welcome! I'm a sighted volunteer (but print disabled). I've used both Omnipage and Finereader (as well as Paperport, which I no longer have). They each have great qualities and quirks. In my own (limited compared to the real expert scanners here) experience, if you're scanning a book that has lots of images interspersed within the text, I've found Omnipage handles it better when it comes to the output from the OCR. In those circumstances my experience has been that Finereader starts putting text into "text boxes" which makes converting the document that comes out of the OCRing a challenge. For straight text, like a novel, I've found Finereader does a better job. For a book with lots of italics or fractions, it entirely depends on the font which does a better job.

I've found Omnipage much more "mouse intensive" to use, which isn't an issue if you aren't disabled.

Judy s.
Follow me on Twitter at QuackersNCheese <https://twitter.com/QuackersNCheese>

On 5/13/2014 10:45 AM, Bill Baggins wrote:
Hey all. New volunteer, here. At the moment I'm proofing a book, but I do intend to scan a few soon. I wondered if people had preferred scanning software.

I have an account rep from CDW who owes me a favor, and he can get me a fabulous deal on a scanning program. I'm aware of Omnipage version 19, and Finereader version 12.

Do people have a preference between these two? Should I be looking for something else? I should probably mention that I am sighted (my wife is print disabled.)

Thanks in advance

mr baggins

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