[bksvol-discuss] Re: Missing Book

  • From: Roger Loran Bailey <rogerbailey81@xxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2012 22:29:40 -0400

This has happened before. Before scanning another copy try notifying Carrie. When this happened before there was a volunteer processed copy that a publisher quality copy had replaced. For some unknown reason the publisher decided to withdraw it. Once Carrie found out she was able to reinstate the original volunteer copy.

On 6/2/2012 9:19 PM, Dasha Radford wrote:
I noticed something similar on several of the Mercedes Lackey books. That were once on the bookshare list. They are no longer there some of them are completely gone such as at least one of the books in the trilogy just after the major winds trilogy. The major winds trilogy contains winds of fate winds of change wins of fury and the trilogy just after it contains storm warning Storm rising and Storm breaking. I can't find storm breaking anymore. I also believe that is the major wars trilogy was at one time on bookshare. Those books are book 1 the black Griffin book to the white Griffin and book 3 the silver Griffin. If anybody wants to run scans on please let me know and I can go find ISBN numbers for the ones that I don't see.

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On Jun 2, 2012, at 9:09 PM, "Gary Petraccaro" <garyp130@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:garyp130@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

The novelization of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer first episode seems to have disappeared. I have a copy, but wanted to see what an mp3 sounded like. I searched by author and title. It did not show up.
Any ideas?

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