[birdky] Re: Rpt: Lexington Cemetery

  • From: Paul Hager <bereahager@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: de_lang@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 21:28:48 -0400

To all coming down to Berea, you need to be aware that ticks are bad this year in the College Forest. A good insect repellent is recommended. I'll be at the parking lot at 8:30 Saturday. Paul Hager

On May 9, 2010, at 4:46 PM, David Lang wrote:

ASK had a walk this morning in the Lexington Cemetery (Lexington) and saw some good birds. It was another cool day with the temperatures in the 40's & 50's, but it was clear and sunny. Thanks to everyone who came out. We have another walk scheduled for next Saturday May 15th. We are headed down to Berea College Woods. We will be meeting in the parking lot at Lakeside Golf Course on Richmond Road at 8:00 to car pool down, or you can meet us in the parking lot at Indian Fort Theater just outside ofBerea. Paul Hager will be our trip leader.

Good Birding
David Lang

Location:    Lexington Cemetery
Observation date:    5/9/10
Notes: Participants included: Lou Shain, Bobbie Shain, Jim Hodge, David Lang, Phyllis Deal, Dave Svetich, Ronan O'Cara,Lacetta Carlson, Kay Zatsick, Frank Becker, Eileen <br>Becker, Kattie Clark, Mottle Inoue, Charles Tremolet, Gretchen Tremolet, Katey Buster, Kattie Neikirk, Jean VanArsdale, Tom Schweri, Mark Morgan, Mike Flynn, Nadezdae Nikolova, AmanadaEschelbach
Number of species:    50

Canada Goose    X
Mallard    X
Cooper's Hawk    X
Spotted Sandpiper    X
Rock Pigeon    X
Mourning Dove    X
Chimney Swift    X
Red-bellied Woodpecker    X
Downy Woodpecker    X
Eastern Wood-Pewee    X
White-eyed Vireo    X
Blue-headed Vireo    X
Red-eyed Vireo    X
Blue Jay    X
American Crow    X
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    X
Barn Swallow    X
Carolina Chickadee    X
Tufted Titmouse    X
House Wren    X
Swainson's Thrush    X
Wood Thrush    X
American Robin    X
Gray Catbird    X
Northern Mockingbird    X
European Starling    X
Cedar Waxwing    X
Tennessee Warbler    X
Northern Parula    X
Yellow Warbler    X
Chestnut-sided Warbler    X
Magnolia Warbler    X
Cape May Warbler    X
Yellow-rumped Warbler    X
Black-throated Green Warbler    X
Blackburnian Warbler    X
Palm Warbler    X
Blackpoll Warbler    X
Black-and-white Warbler    X
American Redstart    X
Scarlet Tanager    X
Chipping Sparrow    X
Song Sparrow    X
White-throated Sparrow    X
Northern Cardinal    X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak    X
Common Grackle    X
Brown-headed Cowbird    X
Baltimore Oriole    X
American Goldfinch    X

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