[birdky] BKY: Louisville Migrants

  • From: patjanebell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: birdky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (BirdKY)
  • Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 14:17:43 +0000

We birded the Riverwalk in Shawnee Park and Caperton yesterday.  There wasn't a lot of activity except for Yellow-rumped Warblers that were everywhere in Caperton Swamp.
Some highlights - R - Riverwalk, C-Caperton
Redheaded Woodpecker - R
E. Kingbird - R
Blue-headed Vireo - R
Warbling Vireo - R
Swainson's Thrush - R
Wood Thrush - R
Warblers :
Blue-winged  - C
Tennessee - R,C
Parula - R
Yellow-rumped - R, C
Chestnut-sided - R
Palm - R,C 
Blackpoll - R, C
Black-and-white - R
Redstart - C
Ovenbird - R, C
C. Yellowthroat - R, C
Summer Tanager - C
Scarlet Tanager - R
Rose-b Grosbeak - R, C
Indigo Bunting - R, C
Orchard Oriole - C
Baltimore Oriole - R
Jane Bell
Pat Bell
Carol Besse

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