[birdky] Aug checklist

  • From: "Kistler" <kistlers@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'BirdKY'" <birdky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 10:40:45 -0500

Here are the species I marked as being recorded in August. I'm sure I missed
a few, and I suspect there were several common birds that no one felt the
need to report in midsummer.
Please fill in any gaps you can.
Steve Kistler

common loon                     
pied-billed grebe        x                      
horned grebe                    
white pelican    x                      
d.c. cormorant   x                      
least bittern                   
American bittern                        
great blue heron         x                      
great egret      x                      
snowy egret      x                      
little blue heron        x                      
cattle egret     x                      
green heron      x                      
black-crowned night-heron        x                      
yellow-crowned night heron       x                      
white ibis       x                      
turkey vulture   x                      
black vulture    x                      
ross's goose     x                      
canada goose     x                      
mute swan                       
black-bellied whistling-duck                    
wood duck        x                      
black duck       x                      
mallard  x                      
mottled duck                    
blue-winged teal                        
n. shoveler      x                      
pintail  x                      
green-winged teal        x                      
ring-necked duck                        
gr. scaup                       
les. scaup                      
hooded merganser                        
common merganser                        
red-breasted merganser                  
ruddy duck                      
osprey   x                      
Mississippi kite         x                      
bald eagle       x                      
n. harrier                      
sharp-shinned hawk                      
cooper's hawk    x                      
red-shouldered hawk      x                      
broad-winged hawk        x                      
red-tailed hawk  x                      
kestrel  x                      
peregrine        x                      
ruffed grouse                   
turkey   x                      
bobwhite         x                      
sandhill crane                  
black-bellied plover     x                      
American golden-plover   x                      
semipalmated plover      x                      
killdeer         x                      
black-necked stilt       x                      
American avocet  x                      
greater yellowlegs       x                      
lesser yellowlegs        x                      
solitary sandpiper       x                      
spotted sandpiper        x                      
hudsonian godwit                        
ruddy turnstone  x                      
upland sandpiper         x                      
sanderling       x                      
semipalmated sandpiper   x                      
western sandpiper        x                      
least sandpiper  x                      
white-rumped sandpiper                  
Baird's sandpiper                       
pectoral sandpiper       x                      
dunlin   x                      
stilt sandpiper  x                      
buff-breasted sandpiper  x                      
short-billed dowitcher   x                      
long-billed dowitcher    x                      
Wilson's snipe                  
Wilson's phalarope       x                      
laughing gull    x                      
ring-billed gull         x                      
herring gull     x                      
caspian tern     x                      
common tern                     
forster's tern   x                      
least tern       x                      
black tern       x                      
rock pigeon      x                      
eurasian collared-dove   x                      
mourning dove    x                      
inca dove        x                      
black-billed cuckoo      x                      
yellow-billed cuckoo     x                      
barn owl                        
screech owl      x                      
great horned owl         x                      
barred owl       x                      
c. nighthawk     x                      
chimney swift    x                      
r-thr, hummingbird       x                      
kingfisher       x                      
red-headed woodpecker    x                      
red-bellied woodpecker   x                      
downy    x                      
hairy    x                      
flicker  x                      
pileated woodpecker      x                      
olive-sided flycatcher   x                      
e. pewee         x                      
yellow-bellied flycatcher        x                      
acadian flycatcher       x                      
willow flycatcher                       
least flycatcher         x                      
eastern phoebe   x                      
great crested flycatcher         x                      
eastern kingbird         x                      
scissor-tailed flycatcher                       
loggerhead shrike        x                      
white-eyed vireo                        
bell's vireo     x                      
yellow-throated vireo                   
blue-headed vireo                       
warbling vireo   x                      
red-eyed vireo   x                      
blue jay         x                      
crow     x                      
fish crow        x                      
common raven     x                      
horned lark      x                      
purple martin    x                      
tree swallow     x                      
n. rough-winged swallow  x                      
bank swallow     x                      
barn swallow     x                      
cliff swallow    x                      
carolina chickadee       x                      
titmouse         x                      
white-breasted nuthatch  x                      
carolina wren    x                      
Bewick's wren                   
house wren       x                      
winter wren                     
sedge wren       x                      
marsh wren                      
golden-crowned kinglet                  
ruby-crowned kinglet                    
blue-gray gnatcatcher    x                      
bluebird         x                      
wood thrush      x                      
robin    x                      
catbird  x                      
mockingbird      x                      
thrasher         x                      
starling         x                      
American pipit                  
waxwing  x                      
blue-winged warbler      x                      
golden-winged warbler    x                      
Tennessee warbler        x                      
orange-crowned warbler                  
Nashville warbler        x                      
n. parula        x                      
yellow warbler   x                      
chestnut-sided warbler   x                      
magnolia warbler         x                      
Cape May warbler         x                      
black-throated blue warbler                     
yellow-rumped warbler                   
black-thr green warbler  x                      
blackburnian warbler     x                      
yellow-throated warbler  x                      
pine warbler     x                      
prairie warbler                 
palm warbler                    
bay-breasted warbler                    
blackpoll warbler                       
cerulean warbler                        
black-and-white warbler  x                      
A. redstart      x                      
prothonotary warbler     x                      
worm-eating warbler                     
swainson's warbler                      
ovenbird         x                      
northern waterthrush                    
Louisiana waterthrush    x                      
Kentucky warbler                        
Connecticut warbler                     
mourning warbler         x                      
common yellowthroat      x                      
hooded warbler   x                      
Wilson's warbler         x                      
Canada warbler   x                      
yellow-breasted chat     x                      
summer tanager   x                      
scarlet tanager  x                      
eastern towhee   x                      
chipping sparrow         x                      
field sparrow    x                      
vesper sparrow                  
lark sparrow     x                      
savannah sparrow                        
grasshopper sparrow      x                      
Henslow's sparrow                       
song sparrow     x                      
Lincoln's sparrow                       
cardinal         x                      
blue grosbeak    x                      
indigo bunting   x                      
dicksissel       x                      
bobolink         x                      
red-winged blackbird     x                      
e. meadowlark    x                      
grackle  x                      
cowbird  x                      
orchard oriole   x                      
Baltimore oriole         x                      
house finch      x                      
goldfinch        x                      
house sparrow    x                      

Other related posts:

  • » [birdky] Aug checklist - Kistler