[bcbirdclub] Clinch Mtn Trail

  • From: Frank Kilgore <jmk@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Frank Kilgore <jmk@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 21:19:43 -0400

The work constructing the Clinch Mtn Trail has officially begun after a long process of state approval. The trail is starting at Low Gap at Hidden Valley Lake and will proceed to Hayter's Gap where Rt 80 crosses the Clinch Mtn at the boundary of Washington and Russell counties. The work is by hand and requires many volunteers to make it happen. We supply the tools but if you have a good pulaski, heavy duty mattock, limb lopper or pruning saw please feel free to bring it. You will need to wear long pants for leg protection, good hiking shoes or boots, plenty of liquids and a heavy snack or two. Bug repelants might be needed if you are easily bitten and if you are allergic to bee stings, poison ivy, etc., be sure to bring the appropriate antidote.

The trail leader is Claude Gable and he is taking the lead on most Saturdays and Sundays to work with groups and individuals that would like to be part of the first official public trail along Clinch Mountain in Virginia. The route is about 11 miles and plans are to eventually extend the trail from Hidden Valley Lake to Laurel Bed Lake, a distance of 22 miles, but first things first. If you, your family members, your group, company, organization or club would like to help with this great project please email claude at: luther_g73@xxxxxxxxxx Claude is great to work for and not as tough as me on volunteers, that must be why they return. I hope you are able to help with this and please forward this email to anyone you think might want to help. Claude will give you directions and confirm dates, times and places to meet. At the end of the project we will have a big cook out for all the volunteers who showed up and made it happen. Frank Kilgore

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  • » [bcbirdclub] Clinch Mtn Trail - Frank Kilgore