<USS Avalon> The PADD

  • From: CptKetchum@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 01:40:57 EST

By Captain Keith Ketchum
Sitting in his office, he took out the PADD again and decided that if there 
was someone watching, he would need fix it and make a copy.
But instead of taking a blank one, and making a complete copy he typed in 
only two names, for the original list had three.
Putting it in a pile of PADDs, he shuffled them and then putting the one with 
the new list back under his desk.  Standing, he walked from the office, and 
carried the remainder of the PADDs to his quarters down the hall.
Entering his quarters, he decided that even here, wasn't probably safe. But 
then, where would be?  If someone was truly watching, they were watching the 
entire crew and their activities.
But would they be watching the Jefferies tubes?  He opened the panel in his 
quarters and slid in, closing it behind him.  Still carrying the pile of PADDs, 
he made his way past several junction points, and came to an unmarked panel, 
entering a code that would only take his print to enter.
Taking the panel off, he found a pile of PADDs there, containing information 
various information compiled over the last few years.  He placed the PADD 
along with the others,  making sure that no engineer would spot him or by 
come down the tube.  He replaced the panel, and locked it back down.
Returning to his quarters with all the PADDs, minus one, he slid back out.

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  • » <USS Avalon> The PADD