<USS Avalon> An Angel or The Devil - Part 1

  • From: CptKetchum@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 07:20:56 EDT

An Angel or The Devil - Part 1
By A Voice in the Shadows and Senior Lieutenant Karg White Feather

The Doctor walked towards the man in the shadows, "I've finished up, he had 
injuries, and should be recovering in sickbay, their sickbay, but I also 
understand the nature of why he is here"; motioning to the room they were in.  
"I am 
sure that the Avalon crew is wondering how he became missing from their own 
sickbay, and while they were working on him, at that.."

"Very good, Doctor, thank you", came the voice.

The Doctor nodded and left the room, into the main corridors of the ship.

Once he exited, a group of individuals seemed to appear from the corners of 
the room.  The mixture of the group was what made it interesting, a female 
Cardassian Gul, a male Romulan Sub-Commander, and a Breen.   They all 
the center of the room where Karg was strapped to a table.

"Wake Him", exclaimed the Romulan.

The Cardassian walked over and picked up a hypo and pressed it to his neck.  
The hiss was loud in the silence of the room; you couldn't even hear the three 

Karg came to, and saw the three, "Wha...", and struggled with his bounds.

"Relax, Klingon, you aren't going anywhere", advised the Cardassian Gul as 
she walked around to face him.

"Where am I?"

"You are safe, for the time being, and that is all we will tell you, but you 
will tell us a lot."

Karg just harrumphed, "You haven't questioned very many Klingons have you? I 
won't tell you anything."

"We shall see, we shall see", stated the Breen as the three moved closer to 
him.  A spot light activated and Karg could not even see them now.

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  • » <USS Avalon> An Angel or The Devil - Part 1