atw: Re: The gratuitously nasty list - NFs

  • From: "Chris lofting" <lofting@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 16:17:12 +1100

 To cover Ms Kent's claim of being an NF in a SJ world, the problems with
NFs (since we are dealing here with stereotyping) is that under pressure
they develop control issues and experience 'betrayals' - or more so the
perception of such. This is due to the mental context under consideration
where the class, when stressed, focus on THEIR context AS IF the universal
context; thus if their context is not dealt with then they feel they have
been betrayed since there are no other contexts bar theirs! 

Ms Kent has shown EXACTLY that sort of behaviour in her recent posts to a
level of now making lists of those she feels have betrayed her AS IF 'for no
reason'. Ms Kents portrayal of TW issues was more so a portrayal of her OWN
issues where such where then generalised to be a problem 'overall' - this is
classic confusion of part with whole, as we also see in her favouring an
MBTI temperament AS IF her - a class is interpreted as an instance and so
dropping any personal responsibilities - 'its not me, its my type - society
made me do it!' LOL! 

All of this shows symmetric thinking at work - it is a NATURAL form of
thinking but LIMITED in precision and as such marginalising the full
spectrum of the TW mindset and I covered that in my original posts and other
since then. I have also supplied HELPFUL information to aid Ms Kent in her
issues but obviously she has ignored such (not her context) or else has
issues in comprehending such (too technical? but it is a TW list!) or is
just into dealing with control issues by making hate lists.

You have made a bad move Ms Kent. SHAME ON YOU.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: austechwriter-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:austechwriter-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
> Christine Kent
> Sent: Saturday, 21 November 2009 3:27 PM
> To: austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: atw: The gratuitously nasty list
> Brian Clarke
> Chris Lofting (this could pass as humour to some, but as you 
> were gratuitously nasty to me, I have added you)

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