atw: Re: Choosing your browser (WAS: MSWord 2003 with 64-bit Windows 7)

  • From: Bill Parker <renew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 08:53:53 +0800

I never have, but sometimes it takes a while to get Google up with Firefox. I'd also recommend Safari and say so because it has a nice readability function that sits up in the right hand corner of the menu bar. Click for a rendering of a webs page that is minus clutter and very easy.

On 06/04/2011, at 8:49 AM, Howard Silcock wrote:

Why do so many people continue to use Internet Explorer? Well, one
reason would be that, in a corporate environment, or in a government
environment such as the one I work in, there isn't really a choice.
You can't install your own software and IE is what's supplied. You'd
have to make a business case for using something else.

At home, however, it's obviously different. I have for a long time
used Firefox at home. But I'm starting to have second thoughts. I just
installed Firefox 4 and find that it crashes every time I use Google.
Since using Google is something I do more or less as a reflex action,
several times a day, this is a real problem.

Has anyone else had the same problem?

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