[audacity4blind] Re: selecting audio

  • From: David Bailes <david_bailes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "audacity4blind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <audacity4blind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 08:55:12 +0000 (UTC)

Hi Vojta,
unfortunately, the controls to set times in Audacity are not accessible on


On Wednesday, 4 November 2015, 12:54, Vojtěch Polášek <krecoun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I would like to return to my problem with selection.
I would like to mark start and end of a selection while sound is
Is this currently possible with [ and ]? As I said, the main part of
the dialog, which appears after pressing those keys, is
inaccessible, I can see OK, Storno and some inaccessible object.

Dne 4.11.2015 v 09:09 Curtis Delzer napsal(a):

:) that could be bewildering before chastisement time, eh? :) and then, sort of
a sheepish grin followed by, trying again to remember. :)

At 10:10 PM 11/3/2015, you wrote:

Thanks Curtis. There is one area in particular where I would value feedback
on the Scrubber script. I made a late decision to use single keys to control
the Scrubber rather than keys in combination with a modifier key such as alt
or control. I think this allows faster response times. On the other hand, I
have forgotten on a few occasions to turn of scrubbing before doing tasks that
require those keys. This results in temporary bewilderment when any of a
number of bizarre things happen, followed by severe chastisement of me by me.
If people find the current approach too risky, it is easy to use a modifier


On 3/11/2015 6:13 AM, Curtis Delzer wrote:

Hey, I'll send this to my clients who don't wish to spend $200 for studio
recorder which does "scrub" quite nicely and will definitely let you know.
Honestly, I appreciate this, have auto hotkey already
installed, and will
take a look at this.
You are quite talented at not only scripting, but
communicating which are
two pluses.

At 11:41 PM 11/1/2015, you wrote:

Hi Curtis

Audacity 2.1.1 introduced scrubbing, but it requires
access to the
mouse. On 2 September I sent a post to the list,
describing a
script I wrote to make scrubbing screen reader
accessible. I have
copied the contents of that post below. I haven't heard
back from
anyone saying it is dreadful, but nor has anyone said that
they found it
useful (smile). I do find it useful, but have inside
knowledge as
to its workings.

Text of my original post follows. If the whole concept
isn't too
daunting and you give it a go, feel free to get back to me


Original scrubbing script post:
I am one of those people who have been pestering the
Audacity people for
years to introduce scrubbing. When reading the release
notes for
2.1.1 my initial excitement turned to disappointment when
I realised that
a rodent is necessary to do the scrubbing.
I then turned my limited coding skills to writing a script
to provide
scrubbing from the keyboard. All are welcome to try it
and to
provide feedback. There are issues though. Unlike screen
readers, that don't actually read the screen, the script
does. The
screen resolution you have set will determine whether it
will find what
it is looking for. I am more than happy to provide what
help I can
if it doesn't work for you, but can't promise to be
The script is written in the AutoHotKey scripting language
for Windows
(sorry Mac users). To use the script you either have to
AutoHotKey or run the executable version of the script
(see below) .
If you are interested in trying the script, make a note of
the following
That will take you to a page where you
https://www.sendspace.com/folder/xusytzcan download all or any of the
following files:
audacity-win-2.1.1.exe - just in case you don't have the
latest version
of Audacity
AutoHotkey112204_Install.exe - If you choose to install
scrub-manual.htm - the manual for Scrubber
scrub.ahk - the Scrubber script
scrub.exe - an executable version of the script if you
don't want to
install AutoHotKey
Get back to me with questions or suggestions.


On 2/11/2015 7:23 AM, Curtis Delzer wrote:

Andrew you've done a great job.
I wonder if Audacity provides, as studio recorder does,
a facility to
"scrub" the area of play back so you can audibly hear
where you
are and thereby go to an exact place by sound to
highlight and then

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