[audacity4blind] Reverb cuts off

  • From: Arne <waschmasche@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: audacity4blind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 16:49:27 +0200


for some backing vocal tracks, I wanted to add reverb. According to the song structure, I organized that backing vocals in sections for chorus, verse and coda. What I wanted to do: Select all backing vocals and add the GVerb or another Reverb effect. What happens: At the end of each section, reverb is cut off. When I tried out GVerb for only one track, I could lengthen the selection in the time selection, so when I used GVerb, the selection was long enough for the reverb to finish. But what if I select multiple tracks that start and end at different times? Do I have to fill them with silence so that the end is not at the end of a section but at the end of a song?

Best regards,

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  • » [audacity4blind] Reverb cuts off - Arne