[AR] Re: Recovery of Electron 1st stages

  • From: Henry Spencer <hspencer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Arocket List <arocket@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2019 19:23:09 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 8 Aug 2019, Craig Fink wrote:

RocketLab hasn't actually recovered successfully yet, but they have a very reasonable plan and direction that should lead them down the road to success. The plan is similar to what SpaceX did... Cheap incremental development. Fly, modify, fly, modify, repeat until done. 

Remember that a very reasonable-sounding plan and direction does not guarantee that there *is* a road to success. For SpaceX, incremental development of the undecelerated-reentry-splash-down-and-fish-out concept led nowhere, at substantial cost, and "done" meant admitting failure and abandoning that plan and direction completely. They achieved success only by a drastic change of approach.


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