[argyllcms] Re: problem using scanin

  • From: Bernard <bdebreil@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 25 May 2014 17:48:37 +0200

Graeme Gill wrote:
Bernard wrote:

sudo scanin -v -p -a -dipn img_0001.tiff
/usr/share/color/argyll/ref/CMP_Digital_Target-3.cht CMP_DT3.txt

This lead to this:

scanin: Error - CGATS file 'CMP_DT3.txt' read error : Unable to open file 
for reading

        you need to provide CMP_DT3.txt - it is the CIE reference values that 
accompany the target (i.e. the "individually measured numbered reference
file in LAB and spectral" that you should have got with your purchase).

With that file provided, scanin will be able to create the .ti3 file.

[ I notice that the CMP website has changed URL, and that the 
  seems to have been renamed CMP_Digital_Target-4, probably a good thing to 
  the utter confusion caused by the existence of a different "Digital Target 3" 

Graeme Gill.

Thanks for this reply. Indeed, I missed the fact that I had to provide a CMP_DT3.txt file ; I thought that this was the name of an output file that was to be generated. Ever since I put such file in the path, everything worked fine.

I have another question. Since we don't really know whether CMP_Digital_Target-4 is another name for CMP_Digital_Target-3, or if these two have different characteristics, is the call for 'CMP_Digital_Target-3.cht' in the above command line still OK ? It seemed to operate all right, but I don't know if the icc file that I obtained in the end, has the best parameters in it. Seems to do a decent job when used to open CR2 images in Darktable... but I don't really have other results to compair...


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