[argyllcms] Need explanations on CIECAM02 viewing conditions

  • From: Normand Fortier <normand.fortier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 10:14:12 -0500

I'm trying to create a device link profile. I've been reading up on viewing conditions, but I need info on offered options.

I understand the source is the image on my monitor, in my case conditions would be md (monitor in darkened work environment). Practical info I've found tends to concentrate on monitors / software (eg background color, etc), so that part is covered.

My problem is with the destination, for me prints from an inkjet printer, hung on a white wall with directional lighting (from the ceiling, solux 50w 36 degrees 4100K), in a rather dim environment.

I have not been able to find any info on the possible settings listed for tiffgamut and collink:

        pc - Critical print evaluation environment (ISO-3664 P1)
        pp - Practical Reflection Print (ISO-3664 P2)
        pe - Print evaluation environment (CIE 116-1995)
        pm - Print evaluation with partial Mid-tone adapation

or on the detailed settings that follow...

Resources I've found on CIECAM02 are rather high-level or mostly concerned with computation; official documentation tends to be very expensive. Does anyone know of resources on how to understand and apply CIECAM02 concepts in practice, from a non-technical photographer's standpoint?

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