[amc] update on hygiene bags

  • From: Janice Friesen <janicef@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 10:29:14 -0500

I have been talking (OK...emailing) with Carrie, Ann and others and it seems
that the best way to do this is to purchase the items at Costco (and see if
they will sell them at cost since they are for charity) and then to bring it
all to church tomorrow morning to be put together.

I just called Hugo in San Antonio who said that he is heading to Houston
tomorrow and so he could come to pick them up at church at around 1:30.
Tomorrow is the potluck after church so Ann suggested that we put the bags
together then and I told Hugo that we could save him some potluck lunch!


Austin Mennonite Church,  (512) 926-3121  www.mennochurch.org
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  • » [amc] update on hygiene bags