[amc] congregational response to evacuees

  • From: "garland robertson" <pastor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Austin Mennonite Church" <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 10:00:11 -0500

Members and Friends of Austin Mennonite Church


As each of us individually works to support and provide for the needs of
persons displaced by the recent storm, we may wish to collectively provide
for additional assistance.  


One of the emerging challenges in the city is to provide private living
spaces for families so that they might resume some semblance of communal
life together.  Austin Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) has been
screening homeless families in our area for placement in temporary space for
the past 12 years.  They are beginning to screen families in the convention
center for placement in apartments and homes.  They do background checks for
criminal history and drug/sexual/spousal abuse activities before processing
them into a private living setting.  Uncertainties exist regarding of how
extensive the housing authority will help these displaced families.
Vouchers may soon be available for families to rent their space of choice,
so the plan continues to unfold as it has from the beginning.  If some of
you are thinking of inviting persons into your living space, this agency
will be a good contact for finding an appropriate match for you.


I wondered if we wanted to plan some coordinated response from our faith
community, ..maybe renting a house/apt for a family should gov't funds not
become available.  Please meditate upon this and we will share with each
other impressions and recommendations. 


If some of you would like to provide supplies to the couple Ron, Marilyn and
Andrew are sponsoring, please bring these to the church or call me and I
will transport these items to their location.  


Thank you for your ministry to our community.  May it go well with you.

Garland Robertson   


...always hold firmly to the thought that each one of us can do something to
bring some portion of misery to an end


Other related posts:

  • » [amc] congregational response to evacuees