[amc] A Postcard and a Prayer from Mennonite Women USA

  • From: Austin Mennonite <austinmennonite@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Austin Mennonite Church <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:32:24 -0600

I always appreciate the prayer with this newsletter.

Lee Lever, Pastor
Austin Mennonite Church

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:30:51 -0500
From: bernik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: leelever@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: A Postcard and a Prayer from Mennonite Women USA

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       *January**2012*    [image: Logo]
 Mennonite Women USA
A Postcard and a Prayer
     New Year's Blessing

"I received this New Year's Blessing from my friend, Pastor Pamela Short,
Archbold, OH.  It is printed here with her permission.  Happy New Year to
all." Ruth Lapp Gueingerich

"See, I am making all things New!"

Revelation 21:5

May our GOD who makes new evenings and new dawns

Light your way with clear tenderness and gentle comfort

May our GOD who makes new cells and new life

Fill your body with fresh strength and generous healing

May our GOD who makes new journeys and new horizons

Guard your path with ready angels and faithful friends

May our GOD who makes new listeners and new notes

Quicken your voice  with joyful honor and grateful song

May our GOD who makes new work and new rest

Set your days  with honorable labor and creative play

May our GOD who makes new mercies and new glory

Surprise your spirit  with radical forgiveness

and steadfast love

May our GOD  who makes new stories

and new imaginations

Meet your eyes  with honest praise and loving hope

Here's to our GOD who makes all things new!
   * In This Issue * In timbrel <#134d8864b8afa234_LETTER.BLOCK10>Subscribe
to timbrel <#134d8864b8afa234_LETTER.BLOCK22>Find us on
Sister Care Seminars <#134d8864b8afa234_LETTER.BLOCK11>Women in
Conversation Retreat <#134d8864b8afa234_LETTER.BLOCK16>Give to Mennonite
Women USA. <#134d8864b8afa234_LETTER.BLOCK19> Honoring and
Table <#134d8864b8afa234_LETTER.BLOCK17>From The
Epiphany Prayer <#134d8864b8afa234_LETTER.BLOCK21> [image: Join Our Mailing
List!] <http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1101337334910>
* In timbrel
[image: timbrel]

The January/February 2012 issue of *timbrel* focuses on "Women in
Leadership." Marty Lehman writes about her "amazing journey" from her Amish
girlhood to a leader of Mennonite Church USA, and Jayne Byler reflects on
her long tenure as a senior pastor.

This issue also features an article by Mary C. Roth, Goshen College (Ind.)
student, about a recent women's gathering on the campus.

In preparation for the March/April issue of *timbrel *which focuses on
women who have inspired us, consider:

*What characteristics in other women cause them to inspire you?*

Send your responses to Patty <pattyb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?> by January 20.
Be sure to include your name and hometown.
 *Subscribe to timbrel**
Honor a special woman in your life, or yourself, with a subscription to*timbrel
*. Kathryn Goertzen honored her mother at Christmas in this way: "I would
like to subscribe to *timbrel* as a Christmas gift to my mother....I will
wrap a copy of my latest *timbrel *to present to her when we gather at

*To subscribe to timbrel, send $15 for one year or $13 per person for a
group of 10 or more to Mennonite Women USA, 718 N Main St., Newton, KS
67114. You can also email <bernik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?> or call 866.866.2872,
ext. 34396. We'll start your subscription and send you a bill.*
 *Find us on Facebook**
[image: Like us on

Check out Mennonite Women USA on Facebook. Communicate with others about
women's events in your community. Respond to *timbrel *articles and the
Sister Question*.  *
* Upcoming Sister Care Seminars
*[image: Sister Care]*

*Sister Care: Equipping Women for Caring Ministry *seminars validate
women's gifts of caring and equip them to respond more effectively and
confidently to the needs of others in their lives and in the congregation.
Included in the seminar is a 64 page manual integrating biblical truths
with life experience and skills for caring and listening. Presenters:
Carolyn Heggen and Rhoda Keener

*Pacific Northwest  January 20-21, 2012*

"Member Care" - co-ed for women and men

Portland Mennonite Church, Portland, Oregon

*Gulf States  **February 17-18, 2012*

Pine Lake Camp, Meridian, Mississippi

*New York   **March 16-17, 2012*

Rochester Mennonite Church, Rochester, New York

*Eastern District and Franconia   **March 23-24, 2012*

eastern Pennsylvania

*Central District and Indiana-Michigan   **May 4-5, 2012*

northern Indiana

For information on how to register, or to schedule a Sister Care seminar in
your area, contact the Mennonite Women USA

 *Women in Conversation Retreat
*[image: WIC]Into the Wilderness:  *

*The Journey of God's Beloved*

Meghan Good, keynote speaker*  *

*  *

*Laurelville Mennonite Church Center,  *

*Mount Pleasant, PA April 13-15 *

*Crosswind Conference Center,
Hesston, KS April 27-29*

 * *

*Session 2: Love Pursued *

What does it mean to long for love and pursue love, and meet God in the
pursuit? Register
attend this exciting retreat.

Join Women in Conversation as we embrace our identity as God's beloved. You
may register 
 * Give to Mennonite Women USA
Thank you for the many contributions in response to our fall appeal.
Mennonite Women USA's ministry is possible through your generous donations.

Make a 
our website. Or mail your contribution to the office at Mennonite
USA, 718 N Main St., Newton, KS 67114-1819. Please consider this ministry
in your giving. Gifts are tax deductible.
* Honoring and Remembering

[image: Poinsettia]Mennonite Women USA invites persons to share financially
to support this ministry. Individuals are invited to give in honor of, or
in remembrance of, significant people in their lives. We recognize that
each gift honors or remembers a relationship.

Gifts given by:

*Susan Gingerich in memory of Ellen Yoder.*

*Lori Klassen in memory of Elizabeth Mellinger-Bair.*

*Pam Risser in memory of Vera Kuhns.*

*Winifred Wall in memory of Ruth Mumaw.*

*Irene Bechler in memory of Helen Miller.*

*Tina Block Ediger in memory of Ruby Stucky.*

*Tina Block Ediger in memory of Virginia Classen.*

*Wilda Stoltzfus in memory of Grace Schwartzentruber.*

*Mary Swartley in memory of Beulah Kauffman.*

*Laurie Shaub Callan in memory of Doris Shaub.*

*Elaine Good in memory of Lydia M Wenger.*

*Donna Shenk in memory of Lois Mack.*

*Anna Mae Graybill in memory of Mildred Graybill.*

*Jan Showalter in memory of Grace Suter.*

* *

Gifts given by:

*Bertha Beachy in honor of Dekkah Ibrahim, a Somali peacemaker.*

*Lori Klassen in honor of Miriam E Buckwalter.*

*Marjorie Nofziger in honor of Lois Kenagy.*

*Joyce Vega-Camacho in honor of Mennonite Women.*

*Nancy Rohrer Sauder in honor of Ruth Garber Rohrer.*

*Crissie Buckwalter in honor of Crissie Yoder Shank.*

*Tina Block Ediger in honor of Martha Block Epp.*

*Mary Lehman Yoder in honor of Naomi Lehman.*

*Louise Gingerich in honor of Carolyn Miller.*

*Leanne Schertz in honor of Rebecca Sommers.*

*Miriam Stoltzfus in honor of Dorothy Juarez.*

*Kathryn Eby in honor of Karen Sensenig.*

*Kathryn Slaubaugh in honor of Ophah Yoder.*

* Kitchen Table
**by Lorraine Eby[image: Lorraine]*
*Franklin Conference Sister Care Coordinator*
*Burning Bush, January 2012*

The Christmas decorations are now packed away, the cookies have
disappeared, and the gifts have all been given. If statistics are valid,
the majority of gifts purchased or received this year were some form of an
electronic devise. We are a pleasure seeking society and electronics
promise us blissful pleasure and convenience.

I have a few of these techy things and enjoy the pleasure they can bring. I
became the owner of a laptop about a year ago, a retirement gift to myself,
and our children gifted us with a router last Christmas so I have internet
access at any place in the house. I can research a recipe in the kitchen,
check email while watching TV, and work on *The Kitchen Table* article in
my comfortable recliner. The laptop really became my best friend this
summer during my recovery from a leg fracture while I was homebound for two


*Used by permission of the Burning Bush, Franklin Conference newsletter.*
* From The Mennonite
**A discerning woman: *Carol Roth's Mennonite-Choctaw upbringing has
equipped her to build bridges within the church.*

by Patricia Burdette*
*The Mennonite, January 2012*

 "Growing up in a missionary home and being a PK (preacher's kid) have made
me more sensitive to building relationships," says Carol Roth, Choctaw, of
Clinton, Miss. Her infectious smile and bright brown eyes invite me into
the conversation."

 * An Epiphany Prayer

*[image: Melissa]An Epiphany Prayer*

*by Melissa Friesen, Bluffton, Ohio*

*Melissa Friesen is Associate Professor of Theatre and Communication at
Bluffton University and an active member of First Mennonite Church in
Bluffton, Ohio.*

Ever-present God,

As the new year begins,

we may find the radical, radiant Christmas glow receding behind us.

Holiday decorations have been returned to storage,

visitors have found their way home,

life goes on - normal.

In our forward momentum, let us not leave behind the Christmas miracle.

Like wise men offering treasure to the infant Savior,

let us, too, give our best gifts - peace, compassion, love -

our celebratory response to the greatest gift that is Jesus Christ.

Empower us to nurture these gifts in ourselves and in others,

so that your healing and hope flow through us to the world.

Inspire us, O God, with Epiphany.

     *A Postcard and a Prayer is compiled by Mennonite Women USA staff Ruth
Lapp Guengerich, Rhoda Keener, Patricia Burdette, Berni Kaufman and Lois
Know of others who would like to receive "A Postcard and a Prayer" e-mails
from Mennonite Women USA? Have them send name, address, and e-mail to
    Save 20%
Valentine Special. Purchase a new subscription to timbrel for yourself or
as a gift to a friend. Coupon good for new subscribers only. This is not
retroactive and not good for renewals.

Print out this coupon and send with your check of $12 to Mennonite Women
USA / 718 Main St / Newton, KS 67114-1819. Must be postmarked by February
14, 2012.

*Offer Expires: February 14, 2012*

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  Mennonite Women USA | 722 Main St | PO Box 347 | Newton | KS | 67114

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