[amayausers.com] Re: san mar case prices

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:12:34 UT

This message was posted by signman on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
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I've been with Sanmar over 10 years, never heard about a $10k per year to get 
case pricing. They had called me to get my account away from Alpha and offered 
it...and had a $250 minimum at the time for free freight I think,and it's 
dropped several times. I think it's around $100 or so but it's rare that I 
don't make free freight. If its close I throw in some tote bags or pants for 
myself to make it up!If you have an 'account executive' or whatever they call 
the sales person assigned to you-just tell them you were also offered free 
freight and case price by other suppliers-are they going to match it to keep 
your business? All the suppliers are really hurting for sales right now-they'll 
do almost anything to keep your account so it never hurts to ask. Also, as 
Steve says-you might have a 'closer' supplier that takes care of you-fast 
service, quick shipping, etc.-which can count a lot more than a 50¢ per shirt 
discount...if you can get the goods and turn the order around in a day
  or two instead of a week or more-it builds your reputation with clients and 
THAT brings in more money.


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