[amayausers.com] New Post/Thread Notification: Machines & Hardware

  • From: "AmayaUsers Discussion Boards" <theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:02:29 +0000


Rod or Sharon has just posted in the Machines & Hardware forum of AmayaUsers 
Discussion Boards under the title of Melco EMT-16.

This thread is located at 

Here is the message that has just been posted:
In a nut shell.....Bernina will have the E-16 which they will sell through 
their regular dealers.

Melco will still have the Bravo which is sold through private dealers and the 
Melco EMT-16 wil be sold exclusively by and thru Melco.

Other than the cosmetic change in looks, it appears that the change in the 
rotary hook to include the trimmer function may be the one most prominent 
change in the machine. The software has also changed.

I am sure Melco will be releasing more information sometime soon.

Guess you could put it this way in terms of evolution...

If the Amaya is the Daddy(Big Reds) and the XT is the Mamma, the XTS would 
become their first and only child, which now makes them Grand parents with the 
EMT-16.  ;-})

Rod Springer
Amaya Tech & Trainer


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