[amayausers.com] Re: Embroidery Fonts Print Out

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 17:51:24 UT

This message was posted by Juli in Kona on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY 
VIA EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

I did the very thing you want to do.  What I did was set the height to .5" and 
starting at the top of the list, typed out the name of the font in that font, 
and kept doing that until I had one page full in two columns.  I did it with 
the Melco fonts and then all my TTFs.  I made them different colors just to 
look pretty.  When I got the page full, I printed it out.  That is tricky!  I 
think I used a very nice little program called SnagIt to capture and print.  
And I printed it out on cover stock and put the pages in sheet protectors.  Do 
not include any fonts that you know are not good because your customer, for 
sure, will think it really nice and you'll be stuck with trying to make a bad 
font look nice.

You can use the DS File/Print Preview, but you will have to experiment to see 
how many you can get on one sheet.  When you find the height of the total 
design that works to fit on one sheet, then draw a border around it and save 
that border in a separate file so you can use it over and over.  I have pages 
and pages of fonts.  After awhile you'll find that, in general, people are 
choosing the same ones over and over.  So, after a year or so, you can make 
another list with only the ones people choose.  The list will be surprisingly 
short!   And I don't let my customers tell me to choose the font!  I make them 
choose - but I will make suggestions.

And, BTW, did you know that you don't need to install all the fonts you want to 
use.  You can just put the TTF files in some other directory/folder and when 
you want to use one of them, double click on it and it will come up in the font 
viewer.  Minimize that window and go to DS and now that font will appear in the 
list.  Very nice.  Just a nice way to not clutter up your computer with tons of 
unnecessary fonts.

Juli in Kona


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