[Fredericksburg Uke Ensemble] Re: Ukulele attire

  • From: Alan Remick <alan.l.remick@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <aka_fun@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ernest ackermann <ernestackermann@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2020 16:54:11 -0400

Tuesday. Adventure north.

On March 8, 2020 4:27:54 PM ernest ackermann <ernestackermann@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

When do we get together again? Where?

On Sun, Mar 8, 2020, 4:18 PM Alan L Remick <alan.l.remick@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am in large...

On 3/8/2020 2:44 PM, ernest ackermann wrote:
XL is good for me. Thanks

On Sun, Mar 8, 2020, 1:15 PM saipanram <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am purging my collection before we pack up, and wanted to share with you all if you are interested. I have a stack of 9 very gently used ukulele themed shirts, size large and extra-large. Let me know if there's interest and I can bring them next time I come to our Tuesday fun. All free, mind you!

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note9, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Alan Remick <alan.l.remick@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 3/8/20 12:21 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: aka_fun@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Fredericksburg Uke Ensemble] Re: Dominos


On March 8, 2020 12:04:42 PM "David Kelley" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "dkelley33" for DMARC) wrote:
Hi Connie and all,

Looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing about your new adventures!! Need to find out if you need me to bring the dominos. I will be leaving on Wednesday so was hoping I wouldn't have to leave anything I bring. Do you have dominos? I can bring them if someone will take them home with them and I can pick them up on my return trip home on Sunday.

Once I have my list together I will send it to all. I mentioned earlier about bringing coffee but since you and Shirley are bringing it I will eliminate that. As I mentioned earlier I think going out for late lunch/early dinner to avoid driving at night is a good idea, however I forgot that I won't have my car there so we may not have drivers. Shirley, thanks so much for all the good food you are bringing.

So far my list consists of cookies, some cheese and crackers, bag of mandarins, milk, cheerios, paper towels, storage bags, plastic wrap.

Let me know if we are missing anything.

Love, Jeanie

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