[administrating-your-public-servants] Re: Penny Kelly words of hope

  • From: Aéius Cercle of Quantum-Note(Law-Division) <Law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 00:25:32 -0600

Truth. Consider the complexity of any established corporation, especially the ones that are related to lots of software-development (major gaming companies would probably be amongst the best examples), and, notice how there is no possible way that one single coder/programmer/developer could possibly write up all of those lines of code for something as complex as a Virtual-World MMORPG (even less-complex software, such as web-browsers, e-mail clients, messenger-programmes, etc., absolutely no one man is going to pull that off all by himself, without some major time-investment and/or assistance from perhaps A.I.).

On 2021-04-21 3:44 p.m., Ray Greninger (Redacted sender raygreninger for DMARC) wrote:

I don't believe man alone is clever enough to come up with the NWO

On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 2:46:05 PM MDT, Charley Dan <charleydan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Simply put, Patty Kelly is trying to find her way and still lost. Two years ago and what she says today proves that for me. I recommend to every one to check in on these you tube sites occassionaly even if you disagree. It reveals the real truth of their agenda. Money. I studied money before I studied the constitution and bottom line with a 2-5% and more inflation one has to earn that rate of five percent plus every year to make a profit. That is why I do not advocate buy and hold strategy. The way they are printing money who can say what the interest rate really is. Collapse is coming? How does one defines collapse? Trump said the world's will cover a third of America debt. The bankers will cover a third and USA a third. Why? This fiat was about subjecting all nations to bankers. As the world returns to gold backed currency that was decided in 2008 nations with high exports will suffer. As it requires them to import as much as export. America who has imported more then export will bring jobs home and sell less abroad. Probably a sum equal movement. Now for going off the gold standard is Nixon wanting to finance the Vietnam war and needed cash. Created America to have an inflated world reserve currency that will now end. America has a 40% world reserve currency and three other four around 15%. China entering at around 15%. Now most of that will come at expense of Europe as they do the most trade with China. Data estimates America will be at 37 %. Meaning America and resources both intellectual and land resources are plenty. The silk road of China is to increase that region of trade. China is granting money to develop other countries but most countries do not like the strings that are attacheD. Australia and SCS islands are asking USA help to undo some of these agreements.�
Well, it is about dominance and like president Bush stated: we are still fighting over who will be at the top or one world government would be here.
On Apr 21, 2021, 12:28 -0600, Don Mashak <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, wrote:
I am likely to upset some folks who opinions I value, but here goes so we can
all at least discuss and debate whats actually happening in America, and the world in general.
A lot of people tell me that when they read what I write and post, it is like I am talking directly to
them. Though this is a complex topic, I hope I can achieve the same effect here.

Though I agree with some of Penny Kelly's other perspectives I have read in the past,
IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)Penny Kelly in this instance is mistaken, or a Progressive Cult Leader
or Progressive Cult Victim,or simply full of Hooey. I summarize "this instance" as being the topics
of Fiat Money,Cryptos and some nebulous Human Spirituality Paradigm Shift.

Whereas Penny Kelly seems to see Human Spiritual Paradigm shift as a human-condition improving,
Humanities natural evolution that will improve the human condition, I do not. IMHO it as an artificial
machination of evil forces who seek to enslave mankind for eternity to serve these evil forces.

To the point, The Rothschild's family owns all but 2-3 of the Central Banks (Banks of Countries) in the world.
IMHO, these Rothschilds are the folks behind the drive for a NEW WORLD ORDER under ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

The Rothschild's family controls the nearly worldwide "DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY" Criminal Conspiracy.

Before we continue, I must correct Penny Kelly's incorrect perception and/or misrepresentation of FIAT
and CRYPTO Money

The following is the irrevocable reality that exists.

All value only comes from labor.
Wealth is accumulated value.

When you let anyone to use money backed only by nothing aka "thin air",
You have created a system that steals from those who's labors create value.

Whether its DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY or CRYPTOs, they are systems that steal from those who labor to create value.

The US is founded on the Constitutional requirement that its money be backed by specie (Gold, Silver, etc)
Money NOT back by specie is called Fiat Money. Crypto is Fiat Money. The current unconstitutional US Dollar is also Fiat Money.

Lets make the point this an extremely simplified scenario to show how both DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY & CRYPTOS steal from labor.
(It should be noted, that though this scenario is highly simplified it is merely to avoid the confusion of big numbers, the effect demonstrated is the same even if you have millions of people producing millions of products spending millions of "Dollars" created by 1000s of Bankers)

We have a society/country of 4 people.
The only things needed to live and survive in this society are food, clothing and shelter
1 person in this society uses their labor to produce food,
1 person in this society uses their labor to produce clothing,
1 person in this society uses their labor to produce, repair and maintain shelter.
1 person in this society produces nothing (bum).
Of necessity, a barter system has developed between the persons who's labors create food, clothing and shelter.
The person that produces nothing (bum) survives on the voluntary handouts of those who actually labor.
All of this is fair, because the property rights (you own the value you produce with your labor) of each person is respected.

Now, lets say the bum becomes a Debt Based Fiat Money (Fiat) or Crypto Banker, using money created out of nothing aka "thin air".
The Fiat/Crypto Banker proposes to the 3 laboring folks, that using money is easier and better than their current barter system.
It stores value easier, you don't have to carry whatever you produce around with you to trade as you do with a barter system, etc.
Among the 4 of them they agree (free market) how many "Dollars" a food, a clothing and a shelter are worth.
Now the Banker labors to print an equal number of "Dollars" (you can call your units of money anything) for each of them to start the new.
The labor to produce these dollars is negligible, and the cost of ink & paper is so small the cost to produce each Dollar approaches $0
The Bum turned Banker gives each person, including himself, $25.00
Now each of the four can uses dollars to buy from the other 3 persons.


Nobody will take your FIAT/CRYPTO DOLLARS (unit of Money) unless your DOLLARS have value.
If your MONEY is not backed by Specie (gold, silver, etc) the only value it has is measured in how much of the value your society/country produces each year (Gross Domestic Product), plus the value of the land they control.

So, in our simplified scenario, each Dollar is worth "The value the society/country produces each year + the Value the Land the Society/Country controls" divided by the number of Dollars in existence.

As our scenario society gave each of the 4 citizens $25 each to begin, the value of annual production and land value to begin was $100.
The value of each dollar for each citizen was $100/100 = $1 Dollar.

Now comes the smoke and mirrors.


It may appear fair to start everyone with $25.00 but it is NOT.
The Bum Banker did NOT.

Only the Value Producing Labors should have each gotten $25 for a total of $75
Each of their Dollars would then be worth > $100/75 = $1.33

The Bum Banker stole 25% of what the other 3 Value producing laborer citizens already had.
(Yes, the bankers should get something for providing the service of "printing Money" but NOT a large percentage of what those
who actually produce value through their labors create.)

And I haven't even addressed the damage the "FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM", a subset of the DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY scam, does to the value-producing, laboring masses. We will save that for a later discussion.

Whether it is FIAT or CRYPTO Money, the effect is the same.
Those creating the money are stealing from those who actually labor to produce the value, as labor is the only source of value, and all money does is provide a measure of how that value is traded.
THIS IS WHY I CALL "DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY" BY THE CENTRAL BANKS A "CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY". (Generally, each country in the world has its own Central Bank)
THE ROTHSCHILD FAMILY OWNS ALL BUT 2-3 of the Central Banks in the world, and runs the nearly worldwide "Debt Based Fiat Money", criminal conspiracy.

FIAT and CRYPTO Money are the Greatest Source of Wealth Disparity in the World.
Worse yet, the Bum Bankers then use this money stolen from the honest labors of the masses
to bribe our governments to work against the best interests of the masses, and for the interests of the BUM Bankers.

US Constitution /Art. I, sec. 8, cl. 5./ ~ Congress shall have power to coin money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.
US Constitution /Art. I, sec. 10, cl. 1./ ~ No state shall coin money, emit bills of credit, or make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.

*LAWFUL MONEY* is currency issued *by the* United States Treasury, such as gold and silver coins, Treasury notes, and Treasury bonds.
*FIAT MONEY*, which consists of paper *money,* and checks, is not lawful *money* but is unconstitutionally considered legal tender.
*CRYPTO*, which consists of merely electronic accounting, is still *FIAT Money* and its status as unconstitutional, but legal tender is still in question

I submit that this entire paradigm shift Penny Kelly has misunderstood or is sugar-coating, is machinated by those who control this nearly worldwide "DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY" criminal conspiracy.

I SUBMIT THAT THE NEARLY WORLDWIDE, CENTRAL BANK "DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY" CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY I HAVE JUST IDENTIFIED IS SO PERVASIVE AND INVASIVE THAT IT IS DRIVING WHATEVER PARADIGM SHIFTS OF HUMANITY THAT WE ARE NOW EXPERIENCING. The Rothschilds family, having already wrongfully accumulated Trillions of Dollars of Wealth will NOT easily be displaced as the driving force of human evolution.  A switch to Crypto-type FIAT Money will only produce a few more BUM Bankers stealing from the only true Value Producers, those of us who actually labor to create value.

With that irrefutable foundation to provide you with the basis for a new perception and perceptive of reality, let
me paint you the picture of the paradigm shift the Rothschilds intend to inflict on humanity.

More than 100 years ago, the Rothschilds already had accumulated staggering wealth. The Rothschilds had accumulated so
much wealth, that they were no longer content to just be wealthy. Now the Rothchilds wanted sheer power. It is the Rothschilds
who first envisioned a NEW WORLD ORDER under ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

The Rothschilds maneuvered America into reintroducing an evil Rothschilds owned/controlled Central Bank into control in 1913,
80 years after President Andrew Jackson shut down the Second National Bank of America.

In 1922, Rothschilds Frontmen Rockefeller, Warburg and JP Morgan, found the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS(CFR). (The Trillionaire Rothschilds almost always use frontmen to avoid drawing attention to themselves. George and Alex Soros are the current Rothschilds frontmen.) The CFR's true goal is to help the Rothschild realize their dream of a NEW WORLD ORDER under ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. The Rothschilds family created or usurped the leadership of the Progressive Movement to help them achieve their dream of a NEW WORLD ORDER under ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

To the Point, the paradigm shift of humanity that Penny Kelly sees as "naturally evolving", is anything but.

The two overwhelmingly predominant paradigm shifts of humanity that are occurring are 1) the machinated movement toward the Rothschilds' goal of a NEW WORLD ORDER 2) the machinated movement toward the Rothschilds' goal of ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. All of this being made possible by the flow to the Rothschilds family of unearned value and wealth via its nearly worldwide Central Bank "Debt Based Fiat Money" criminal conspiracy.

The value of the US Dollar or gold did NOT simply decline to force us off the Gold Standard, as Penny Kelly asserted. By the Very Nature of DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY, our Government incurred and is incurring a Debt to the privately owned Federal Reserve (Banking) System. It creates a debt that can never be paid off. Again, Lets use small numbers and simple math to make our point more easily and clearly:

Lets say in year 1 (1913) Congress decides it wants $100 in circulation.

Under the Debt Based FIAT Money criminal conspiracy, Congress has the Mint and/or Bureau of Engraving print the money, as it is Constitutionally empowered to do.

But then our Congress has the new money delivered to the unconstitutional privately owned Federal Reserve Bank (FED Bank)
Now to get own money back from the privately-owned FED Bank, our Treasury issues interest-bearing bonds (T-Bills) to the FED BANK,
and then WE THE PEOPLE get our own money back.


So lets say we issued bonds to the privately-owned FED Bank for $100 dollars with a 1 year term at 5% interest (I am going to do calculations in simple interest, because its easier to understand. However, the actual compound interest used makes the problem I am about to reveal far worse than this scenario reveals)
After 1 year, WE THE PEOPLE owe the privately-owned FED BANK $105.00. But you only have $100 in circulation, so you have to borrow $5 more from the FED Bank.
Year 2 > $110
Year 3 > $115
Year 4 > $120
Year 5 < $125
This goes on ad infinitum
Now remember, I said I was calculated using simple interest. But in reality, Bonds are calculated with compound interest.
So, the debt increases much quicker, exponentially.
Thus, while Patty Kelly says America went off the gold standard because of some unexplained decline in the value of the dollar,
the real reason is America had to print so many more new dollars to pay the interest on the debt, that America could NOT afford to buy enough gold to back all those new Dollars as required by the Constitution.

Now, back to the result of this process going on ad Infinitum. Ask yourself; "When does all this debt to the FED Bank ever get paid off?"
The answer is "NEVER". This means we are creating a balloon. And we know that all balloons must burst.
After 100+ years of having this FED Bank DEBT BASED FIAT MONEY inflicted on WE THE PEOPLE, I submit this ballon is about to
burst and this is when the Rothschllds will try to implement their machinated paradigm shifts of a NEW WORLD ORDER under ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

I think ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT needs no explanation.


Well, America was founded on Rugged Individualism. This rugged individualism is reflected
in the settled metaphysics of Natural Law and Natural Rights America was founded upon.
(See "Laws of Nature", first paragraph, US Declaration of Independence)

The Rothschilds' PROGRESSIVE GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER condemns individuality.
Progressive Elites say humanity is NOT comprised of autonomous individuals.
Per pages 101-102 of the 2016 book, "Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics and American Economics in the Progressive Era" by
hardcore, practicing Progressive Professor Thomas Leonard, Progressive Elites assert humanity is NOT comprised of
autonomous individuals. Instead, the Rothschilds' Progressive Elites assert humanity is a single "Social Organism".

(For more graphic understanding, ask a beekeeper what the life of a worker bee is really like, hint, they literally work themselves to death and often make sure they die alone, outside the hive so other worker bees dont have to waste time and energy getting rid of their body)

This is the NEW WORLD ORDER paradigm shift the Rothschilds are machinating towards in the guise of Progressivism.

This surpasses the power of Kings/Queens under the Divine Right of Kings.
The Rothschilds can't get any more powerful than being King and Queen Bees over the single Social Organism, Progressive Human Hive Community, can they?

The pages you should focus on in Thomas Leonards, "Illiberal Reformers" are 25, 40-49, 51-52, 66, & 101-102. If you are a minority, also read Chapters 7 & 8, If you are an immigrant, read Chapter 9 and if you are a woman, read Chapter 10. Remember, even though this book was written by a practicing, Progressive Professor, it is still the suger-coated version of the evil the Progressive Agenda intends.

Owe, I need to mention the chaos and turmoil that Patty Kelly dismisses as merely the natural adjustment phase of shifting naturally from one human paradigm to another.

Again, Patty Kelly is simply wrong.

The chaos and turmoil we are experiencing is yet another machinated state. Progressive Globalist Edward Bernays first wrote in his 1928 book, "Propaganda" that the best way to manipulate and control the masses was by exploiting their base instincts and emotions.   For those adverse to reading, you can get a video primer on this type of emotion and base-instinct exploiting propaganda: https://youtu.be/qiKMmrG1ZKU
Essentially, the masses are more easily manipulated with fear and sex than they are with rational, intellectual arguments.

Progressive Marxist, Saul Alinksy built upon Bernay's foundation of Emotion and Base-Instinct Exploiting Propaganda.
Alinsky's 1971 book, "Rules for Radicals" is essentially a discussion of tactics, strategies and PsyOps to trick a free society
into government change (such as the Marxism's of Socialism, Communism and Progressivism)  While promoting divide and conquer tactics, the main premise of "Rules For Radicals" is, 'a society in chaos and turmoil is more receptive to government change' or, even more harshly, "If you distress a society badly enough, for long enough eventually they will give up their rights and vote for anyone or any government change promising to end the distress and turmoil.'

I submit to that any change you cannot simply as the masses to embrace, rather than tricking the masses into it, is evil and NOT in the best interests of the masses.


Until you no longer need items of substance and mass to eat, wear as clothes, shelter, move you around, sate your desires or entertain you, etc
Patty Kelly's assertion you should be comfortable with CRYPTOs lack of substance and mass is foolishness.

I would like to add that if Patty Kelly is speaking in error and/or as a Progressive Cult Victim, I intend this as a Kindly and helpful redirect.
However, if she speaks as a Progressive Cult Leader or with some other motive to deceive, I intend this as harsh criticism.�
I oppose all who would 1) steal the value others create through their labors. Private Property Rights its an Unalienable Natural Right of every person and includes the value of their labor. Theft, especially by the deceit of the masses on a grand scale with the complicity of the government, is reprehensible. Making fun of the masses and calling them ignorant because they did not uncover the deceit that was aided and abetted by government officials they trusted, is deplorable.

I do NOT apologize for hurting anyone's feelings.

Preservation of every person's individuality and their pursuit of happiness is every patriot's duty and requires no apology.
Nor does restoration of the US Constitution, Natural Law, the Rule of Law, the Natural Rights of the Individual nor the Sovereignty
of WE THE PEOPLE.  In short, myself and every true patriot should not mince words nor make apologies in their efforts to

AND THE WHOLE WORLD TO START DISCUSSING ISSUES THAT ARE REALLY IMPORTANT, and stop letting those who scheme to be tyrants above us distract us with relatively unimportant issues.

Those were my thoughts.

Thank you for your time.

In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, 11:28:07 PM CDT, Me <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This is a great video with words of hope from Penny Kelly

[20 April 2021] Patreon : Money, Cryptos, and Paradigm Changes <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFVlD5IAw34&t=479s>



    [20 April 2021] Patreon : Money, Cryptos, and Paradigm Changes


Best Regards, Glenn

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