[administrating-your-public-servants] Re: Doing the Math, So to Speak, and "rule," Etc.. .

  • From: Aéius Cercle of Quantum-Note(Law-Division) <Law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2022 12:30:17 -0600

Democracy is just another form of Tyranny; just because it's done by the majority does not change the fact that Democracy is still a Tyranny by the Majority... anything that violates, interferes with, takes away or disrupts the free-will of another is a karmic-debt-inducing offense under Spirit-Law (the ONE «Law» that TRUMPS the Jurisdictions of ALL other «man-made» /so-called/ Law).

On 2022/06/05 12:02, Michael Glavic (bydefinitionofunderstanding) wrote:

Ontario’s record-low voter turnout ‘not a good sign for our democracy,’ political observer says <https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-ontario-election-results-voter-turnout/#comments>



    Ontario’s record-low voter turnout ‘not a good sign for our
    democracy,’ ...

By staying home at unprecedented levels, Ontarians dealt significant blows to the vote totals of the Progressive...


To someone saying we could be made to /vote/ (etc.?) by "law," as by force if not by, more lies and lying, like in /Australia? .. ./

Doesn't mean that those who vote would vote for democracy in such regard, "no," democracy being only as good as how informed, if /not/ educated the electorate is, in exercising their rights and responsibilities in such regard, as to reason and reasoning, that a dictatorship, including a democratically elected one wouldn't ensue. (Like, happens more often than we seem to want to acknowledge) Count on more "protest votes" in such regard, otherwise

Just don't try to force anyone to do anything where they are trying to be reasonable, or more reasonable options are available to do what needs to be done if not to serving justice (what matters to a /true/ democracy, if not what there is to what is best or, more logical) especially me, of as much

Or what?. If you're looking for a fight (to use force as your, "go-to" [of political BS if not, abuse? But what else]) you'll find it, and "lose," (to what is /more,/ meaningful) I'm So sure, and on my way if not, The way.

/Forceful/ if not political idiots, (if not worse?) move over, if not, move on /out?/ I /So/ demand it, and Serve.. You won't be turning me into a /liar, /(if not like you, if not of the problem) in such regard

Doing The Math, So to Speak -- StS

Champion of Justice  in such respect

Go ahead and use the "StS," where you /get/ where I'm from and about (if not what I serve) and "you are too," in such respect.. .

So What?.

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