[abcomputers] ABC~All 'Bout Computers, Vol.12: 55 FrontPage Tips from Tina ANDMORE!!

  • From: Linda Johnson <linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ABCfreelists <abcomputers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 00:02:09 -0400

ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers.  The ezine YOU subscribed to.  If you want to change 
your subscription options or unsubscribe, see the bottom of this email for full 
instructions.  Thank you.


ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers
Volume 12; May, 2002 - mailed to 1867 subscribers


If you would prefer to read the online Web-azine, which 
includes pictures and screenshots and is, basically, more 
user-friendly, follow either of these links: 
http://personal-computer-tutor.com/ABC.htm (frames) 
http://personal-computer-tutor.com/vol12.htm (no frames)

or, scroll down to the Contents where you can click on over 
to any individual article 

For definitions of any terms you do not understand, visit 
the GeekSpeak Translator: 
You are receiving this newsletter because you (or someone 
using your email address) subscribed to it voluntarily. 
If you would like to remove yourself from ABC, 
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My subscriber list is NOT made available to other companies 
or individuals. I value every subscriber and respect your privacy.
These will have to be copied and pasted into your web 
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To view this text newsletter best, maximize your email 
window to FULL screen.
(all links below these items take you to the non-frames Online versions)

(items with *** behind them include pictures and/or are viewed better
1.  Important How-To Message From Linda 
2.  Linda's Thought of the Month
(and animated GIF) *** 
3.  Linda's Soapbox ~ HOW *NOT* TO DO PEOPLE A FAVOR
4.  What's New at Linda's Computer Stop ~ 
Newbie Club Members Missing Tom Glander?  LOOKIE HERE!
5.  Subscribers' Exclusive Tip ~ 
6.  GeekSpeak Translation from the Cap'n 
Tina's FrontPage News ~ 
8.  Fred's Safety Belt ~ DO I NEED BOTH A FIREWALL 
9.  Vic's Registry RoundUp & DOS Den ~ THREE TIPS
10. Chad's Macro Mania ~ DATES IN VBA
11.  Steve's Ravin' Reviews 
12. GuitarMan's Tip of the Month ~ TAKE OUT 
by guest author, Dian Chapman
14. SERVING UP A DOMAIN ~ Is the Waiter Working?
by guest author, Tom Glander
by guest author, Kathy Jacobs
by guest author, Steve Humphrey
17. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE ~ Using the Internet
by guest author, Sara Hardy
18. Subscription Management
19. Contact Information
*** includes pictures in the online version
******************STATION BREAK*******************
If you find this newsletter and/or my website at all helpful and 
would like to give me a hand here, I am now accepting donations 
through PayPal. To make a donation, go to the online version of this 
web-azine and click on the PayPal button. 
Thanks in advance to any who do this!!
(NOTE: no one receiving this should feel obligated in any way to 
do this .....this is a FREE newsletter!) 
Linda, editor/publisher
If you decide to go to the Online "Web-azine" version, go here first 
for navigation instructions:
If you are reading this plain text issue, maximize your email window 
for best viewing and WATCH FOR ANY LINKS THAT WRAP TO 
MORE THAN ONE LINE! These will have to be copied and pasted 
into your web browser's Address Bar as one line in order for you to 
access them.

Sometimes when you think you are helping people, you aren't.  
See my editorial below if you don't believe me.  LOL

This is what I needed after that fiasco discussed in my editorial...
thank you, Frank!
From my buddy, Frank G.:
(just rightclick on the gif and choose "Save Picture As...")
~~Linda F. Johnson, Editor/Publisher
Well, I REALLY did it this time!  
And all I was trying to do was be helpful and considerate!  :-(

For those of you who aren't aware of Yahoo's recent change 
in their privacy policies, let's just say they have made some 
changes to their *free* services that I don't really agree with.  
(If you would like to learn more about this, read this.
http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,51461,00.html ) 

Since I own a Yahoo group for Microsoft Office users, I 
decided maybe it was time for a change.  So, I opened up 
a new discussion thread in the group asking if people would 
like the group moved away from Yahoo and many people 
agreed that they were indeed interested and some suggested 
I check out a place called www.freelists.org that hosts email discussion

groups that are technically oriented.  One of the people who was 
especially supportive of me moving the group to freelists is a 
Mike Baynes (who, by the way, will be joining the Fleet and 
taking over the Safety Belt column in this newsletter next month 
and I know you will all love him!).  Anyway, Mike moved his groups 
to freelists and had nothing but good stuff to say about them.  
So, I figured I'd investigate.

Well, freelists is not like Yahoo.  There is definitely a greater 
learning curve for new list owners who are used to Yahoo's 
point and click interface.  Freelists allows group owners to have 
WAY more control over their groups, but it's all done through 
switches and configurations I didn't understand.  After looking 
into freelists, I decided this was indeed the place I wanted to 
move my group, since freelists uses NO ADS, gives me the 
ability to block ALL SPAM, and let's ME control what my group 
does and doesn't have to see (like autoresponders run amuck 
and people trying to unsubscribe by sending their message to 
the whole group....sometimes repeatedly...geesh).  

But, here's where I made my FIRST MISTAKE. I sent an email to 
the Yahoo group and told them I was going to test it out.  
Unfortunately, many members of the group were set to "no mail" 
or "digest mail" and hadn't yet read this message from me.  
So, they were not aware I was doing this. Actually, many of 
them had joined the Yahoo group a long time ago, then set 
themselves to "no mail" and forgot they were even members.  

My SECOND MISTAKE:  I thought I would move all the members 
over to freelists and, in the process, be able to easily convert 
the "no mail" and "digest" members over to the same settings 
in freelists.  NOT!!  What happened was all members were 
moved over in the "individual emails" mode.  

Well, now this wouldn't have been so bad, except for my 
THIRD MISTAKE:  Once I had seen that all members were 
going to be getting individual mails, I sent out ONE test mail 
and asked that no one reply, that this was just a test to let 
them all know they had been moved over and now I would 
manually have to change all their settings.  However, my 
request for no one to reply did not work.  Members, trying 
to be helpful, replied to this email letting me know they got 
it and everything seemed to be working fine.  However, 
these emails went to all the members who had chosen NOT 
to receive individual emails at Yahoo and they were NOT HAPPY!  
Of course, now along with all the people writing to say "Yep. I got
the test message and it worked well", the list was being flooded 
with messages that said stuff like "Who are all you people and 
why am I getting all this mail?" to "Either stop sending me mail 
or I will report you!" to "Who the @#$%!& are you??" to 
<text removed because it's so obscene, you wouldn't want to read it>.  
And the mail was going to all members in droves, while I was 
scrambling to try to understand how freelists worked so I could 
stop the madness.

Suffice it to say, I received more hate mail during that week 
than I ever have in my life.  It amazes me how cruel people 
can be, even though I was begging them to give me a 
chance to sort it out, and apologizing all over the place 
for my mistakes.  I can tell you, I did NOT feel real good 
about logging onto the Internet that week!

However, now that the madness has ended and my 
Office group is back on track and once again supplying 
all the people with great advice on how to use the Office 
programs, I want to publicly thank all of my members who 
stuck by me through this and helped me learn from these 
mistakes.  The group lost about 200 members during this 
transition, but, in my opinion, the ones that were lost didn't 
really want to belong in the first place, so the group of almost 
500 members that is now in place are all there with full 
knowledge of WHY they are there and the group is running 
better than ever.  So, I guess you could call this Spring 
Cleaning, but, boy oh boy, it was indeed a painful experience.

So....did I learn anything?  I sure hope so.  

Since you now have received your latest copy of ABC 
from freelists, we shall see.  Since I did it differently when 
I moved ABC over, I figured I would share with you the 
steps of moving a list from one location to another, 

Step 1:  Send an email to all members of the original 
group, from the original group home, but send it as a 
Special Announcement, which all members will receive, 
no matter what their settings.  In this letter, give them 
explicit instructions on how to unsubscribe from the old 
group, so they will not be automatically moved over to 
the new group.  Give them a date when the group will 
be moved so they can act on this information before 
you take any steps.

Step 2:  Create a test group for the new group that 
consists of yourself and a few voluntary guinea pigs, 
so you can test that the mail is working, etc., without 
involving all members.

Step 3:  Once you are sure the new group is functioning 
properly, import all your members, then send a welcome 
message which tells them they are all on individual mail 
status and gives them clear instructions for changing this, 
along with instructions for how to unsubscribe.  Again, 
send this out before you send any other messages to 
the new list.

Seems pretty simple, when I look at it now.  But, boy 
oh boy, hindsight is a killer, eh?

Again.  Thanks to all in my Office group who stuck with 
me and supported me throughout "hell week".  And 
thanks to all of you ABC subscribers for sticking with 
me too.  Since I sent the original message to you from 
Yahoo and the welcome message to you from freelists, 
ABC has only received 9 unsubscribe requests at freelists.  
However, the freelists group has received many new 
subscribers and I noticed many of the Yahoo members 
unsubscribed from the Yahoo version after they received 
the freelists welcome message, so that shows me that 
people support the move to freelists.  I don't think you 
will be disappointed.

And, the biggest plus of all is I received many replies 
to the freelists welcome message telling me that FINALLY 
they seem to be receiving mail referring to ABC and that 
they never got anything, NOT ONE ISSUE, when the ezine 
was hosted by Yahoo groups.  So, FINALLY, I think I can 
feel secure that all subscribers will actually receive their 
issues and I won't have to spend countless hours and 
bandwidth sending hundreds of issues from my own ISP.

So, here's the freelists homepage for ABC.  If you want 
to subscribe, unsubscribe, or set yourself on "vacation" 
(which is freelists version of "no mail"), just go here and 
use the dropdown menu at the top.

And if you are interested in joining my MS Office group 
at freelists, go here:

And, of course, now that you are safe and secure at 
freelists, if you would like to unsubscribe from the Yahoo 
version of this newsletter, since I have moved all of ABC's 
archives over to freelists, just send a blank email to 
ABComputers-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and you 
too can take one step to show Yahoo we will not tolerate 
this crap!

Thanks for your time and HAPPY COMPUTING!
Linda Johnson is a college instructor of all of the Microsoft Office 
Programs, as well as Adobe PhotoShop and Windows. She also 
teaches online distance learning classes in Excel, Outlook, 
PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word at Eclectic Academy. 
She has worked helpdesk and teaches and lectures at many
local businesses and tech schools in her area. Support
this newsletter by checking out Linda's website 
and her ebook series, MS Word MAGIC!
Part I: Fonts, Fun & Formats 
Part II: Table Wizardry 
AND, How To Get Started As a Software Trainer:
If you have been interested in taking any of Linda's Online 
Classes but don't want to wait six weeks to complete all the 
lessons or don't have the desire to be part of an online 
classroom, why not 
Check out the eBook .exe versions of all of Linda's classes here:

Only $15 each!!  Where else can you master a software 
Program for that price?  

Separate eBook tutorials on Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, 
Publisher, and Word.  Terrific value!!

******************STATION BREAK********************
LINDA JOHNSON has published another eBook and
this one is called HOW TO GET STARTED AS A
That's just how Linda started out and this book she tells you 
exactly how she did it and how YOU CAN DO IT TOO.
No need for a college education!
No need for professional certifications!
No need for expensive classes!
By Richard S. Harris 
Or if you have ANY DREAM JOB in mind, check out
All eBooks are written by been-there/done-that authors
and sell for only $12.95, with a full money back guarantee.
(4.) WHAT'S NEW at Linda's Computer Stop 
*Howdy gang.  
First thing I want to do is let all you Newbie Club members, 
who are missing Tom Glander as much as I was, know that 
he is still alive and well and has his own website.  Also, you 
may have seen that he's written a column in this month's ABC
...for all of you who love what he has to say and how he says it.

Another of this month's authors, Dian Chapman, MS 
Word MVP, has a new ezine called TechTrax and both 
I and Vic Ferri will be regular contributors.  If you would 
like to see a copy of the article I wrote for her this month, 
go here and check out the left pane for "Save?  Save AS? 
Save as WHAT?" or, scroll down and see "GoToMyPC" for 
a goodie from Vic.  Congratulations to you, Dian, and best 
of luck!  And, readers, if you go, be sure to enter your email 
address so Dian can remind you when the next issue is 
posted at the website.  And, while you are there, sign Dian's 
MouseTrax guestbook and tell her you heard about 
TechTrax at ABC.

Because I spent a lot of my time this past month, dealing 
with hate mail (see my editorial) and restoring my computer 
(see tip below), I only had enough time to add a few new 
things to the website.  

Many people write to me and ask me if I can send them 
a printable copy of one of my pages since the pages have
 white type on a blue background and they don't think they 
can print them without using a gallon of ink. This isn't true.  
Unless you specifically tell your browser to print backgrounds, 
by default it won't, and my pages print just fine...black text 
on a white background.  (Those of you using Internet Explorer 
5.5 or later can check this out easily by going to your File 
menu and selecting Print Preview and you will see what I 
mean.)  However, if any of you ARE having problems printing 
any of my pages, I've added a little mini-tutorial for a  
workaround here (which works with ANY webpages you 
are having difficulty printing):

I've also added a whole series of links for PowerPoint 
help sites to my PowerPoint page (thanks to MS 
PowerPoint MVP, "Echo"):

And I have a "Work for Linda" page now for anyone who 
is interested in exchanging articles for free publicity for 
your webpage or project.  Please check it out and let me 
know if I can help you get traffic to your website in exchange 
for an article from you to be included in  this newsletter or 
a tutorial for my website:

I've also added a few new cool sites to my favorite links 
page.  Go here and check out the revolving N's.

Well, that's about it for new stuff this month.  Thanks for 
your patronage of my site and ezine.  Drop me a line any 
time and let me know of any additions you can think of.  
I may be busy, but I'm always open to suggestions.

******************STATION BREAK********************
It's the latest rage and it's called Distance Learning. Most 
colleges now offer Distance Learning classes because they 
know some people work hard and just can't fit a classroom 
into their busy lives. But, sometimes you don't want to enroll 
in a full program; you just want to take one class.
Eclectic Academy offers a large range of classes to suit
many needs. Go there now and check out their curriculum 
and roster. Classes are only $20 for 6 weeks. 

Here's a sampling of what they offer:
*Art Courses, both digital and traditional
*Business Courses, including all of the MS Office Programs
(many taught by none other than Linda Johnson herself) 
*Graphics Courses - Flash, PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro & more 
*Website Development Courses - FrontPage, Dreamweaver,
ASP, DHTML, Website Promotion, and on and on and on 
*Eclectic Classes - Computer Maintenance, Writing Workshops,
Feng Shui, Eating Safely - just about anything you can think of

Go to Eclectic Academy now and sign up to be notified when 
classes are added or ENROLL NOW in the class of your 
choice. Go there now to enroll in the next set of classes. 
FLASH!!  May 5th class enrollment for my classes will remain 
open until Midnight Saturday, May 11....that's today!!  

(5.) Subscribers' Exclusive Tip of the Month:

This past month, I had a major problem caused by a 
stupid blunder on my part (seems I had a few of them 
this month...LOL).  All I was trying to do was install a 
new keyboard (seems simple enough, eh?)....but, in the 
process, I made a mistake and chose a usb keyboard 
driver and my keyboard is ps2.  So, when I rebooted and 
tried to get into Windows XP, I couldn't type my password 
because my keyboard was not being recognized.  So, I 
decided to do a repair from the XP CD, thinking this would 
load all the default drivers and I would be all set, which 
*probably* would have worked.  BUT, unfortunately, the 
repair caused an error message and told me to reboot, 
and when I did, all XP would allow me to do was continue 
the failed repair and I couldn't get out of this loop to follow 
Hal Cardona's advice, which is what I should have done 
in the first place (boot to the bootup options screen and 
choose to do a System Restore...or simply go buy a cheap 
usb keyboard so I could type!).  So, I ended up completely 
reinstalling Windows XP and losing all my program associations, 
so I also had to reinstall all my software, because I couldn't 
figure out a way to get to the Restore feature now that I was 
stuck in this loop.

All this because I installed a new keyboard.  LOL

Anyway....after the fact, a gal named Tina Van Winkle 
found me this handy tip at Microsoft's website that allows 
you to get to a command prompt and run Restore from there.  
Since I was able to type at my Boot Magic screen, I knew 
my keyboard worked UNTIL Windows XP loaded, so this 
would have worked for me. This one is now taped to the 
side of my computer in case I ever need it again and I 
recommend you XP users do the same:

Starting System Restore Tool from Command Prompt

1.. Start your computer to Safe Mode with Command Prompt.
NOTE : You must log on as the administrator or a user that has 
administrator rights.

2.. At the command prompt, 
type %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe 
and then press ENTER.

3.. Follow the instructions on the screen to begin restoring 
your computer to a previous, functional state.
******************STATION BREAK********************
Free Tutorials, Free eBooks, Free Courses, Free Guestbooks, Free 
Autoresponders, Free Newsletter, Free Affiliate program and 
FREE MEMBERSHIP. Wow! Did I mention it was Free? Newbies 
and Oldbies alike are buzzing about the NEW Newbie Club. 
It's the most exciting Newbie Site ever to hit the Web.
Join now - it's FREE!
editor's recommendation:
They also have an online PC Clinic now where you can receive 
Computer and Internet Technical problem solving advice 24/7 
for only $29.80 a year! I tested the service for them with 
some pretty tough questions and they found the answers 
every time.....some took 3 or 4 emails back and forth, but 
they DID solve it and they DID respond to each of my mails 
within 6 hours.  I recommend this one!
(6.)  Cap'n Patt's
Visit the Cap'n's Official GeekSpeak Database at 
If the word you need defined is not there, just write to me at 
linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I will pass it on 
to the Cap'n.
******************STATION BREAK********************
Hands down, I think the one I use is the very best (Hal 
Cardona's been using them for over 3 years and he turned 
me onto them over a year ago).
*My site has NEVER been down for more than 3 minutes!
(except once late on a Saturday nite when it was being
worked on and they warned we well in advance).
*Their tech support are the greatest and I have never had
to wait more than an hour for a good answer to any question
or problem I had!
*If you use FrontPage for your webcrafting, they are 
excellent with those pesky FP extensions!
*And, the email server is non-failing!
Obviously, I am a big fan of theirs.
Their name is HOSTWAY and I believe if you try them, 
you will never regret it. 
And, if you sign up, tell them you were referred by 
That will help fund this newsletter because they give me a 
free month of service for everyone I send to them :-)
****************THIS MONTH'S FEATURE***********
~~Tina Clarke, AccessFP Resource Centre
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is recommended that you read 
and bookmark the online version of the following article 
which includes a clickable index of these tips
TIP 1: Simply the way
There is a simple way to create bookmarks and named 
anchors - simply select the text you wish to transform 
into a bookmark, then holding down the RIGHT mouse 
button, drag it to wherever you want the link generated. 
Then, when released, select 'Link Here' from the pop-up 
menu. Other choices on the menu are 'move here' 
'copy here' and cancel.
TIP 2: Altering the image sizes
If you simply resize images, FrontPage does not alter the 
file size. To make the file smaller too, you should select the 
'Resample' icon in the Image toolbar after you have resized it.
TIP 3: Compatibility
If you find an icon to be greyed out its 'usually' because of 
the way the settings for compatibility are configured, to make 
sure this is not the problem do the following.  Go to Tools | 
Page Options | Compatibility Tab | set all boxes to custom 
and tick everything. Click ok and say yes when it asks to 
refresh your web.
TIP 4: Editing a Shared Border   
At some point you may want to access the html of a shared 
border, in order to do this the first time, do the following:  
 First make sure you have the hidden folders box ticked.  
Tools | Web settings | Advanced Tab | Make sure the 'Show 
documents in hidden directories' box is ticked. Press ok.  
 You will be asked to refresh the web. 
 Go to the Folders View and you will see a folder called 
_borders. Ddouble click to open and then you can click on 
the borders .htm files that you have in your web. There will 
be the border pages that you have enabled on your web through 
Format | shared borders so if you only enabled the left border 
the left.htm file will only be available to bring up. 
 You can then edit like a normal page. If you want the others to 
be available you must enable them through Format | Shared 
Border and ticking the appropriate pages, then press ok. You 
must then save a page in your site that has them enabled and 
refresh the web to bring them up. 
TIP 5: Recalculate hyperlinks
After editing your web, and before publishing ALWAYS 
go to Tools | Recalculate Hyperlinks and when asked to 
refresh say yes. Why? Your FrontPage TOC (Table of 
Contents) and Search Bots need this to happen in order
 to note new links and delete references to deleted files. 
It also helps with publishing your site, as FrontPage does 
not have any conflicts to resolve and so takes less time to 
publish.  Once a week open up the web live on the server 
and recalculate hyperlinks there as well.
TIP 6: Getting rid of unwanted Graphics
 Go to 'Hyperlinks View' if 'Folder List' is not open go to 
'View' and click the 'Folder List' icon.  
Note: All graphics should be saved in the Images folder. 
 Double click the Images folder to open it and start with 
the first graphic.  Select it and on the right you will see 
either blue lines leading from the graphic or none at all. If 
it has blue lines then it's linked to something on your website 
if there are none then it's truly an orphan graphic and not 
being used. 
 If you want to save the graphics for use at a later time, 
just open up another instance of FrontPage and drag the 
file over the icon of the other FrontPage application in the 
status bar at the bottom of your screen, it will open up and 
you can just drop it into a website you made earlier.  I do 
this and call mine storehouse. You then need to delete the 
graphic in the web you're checking. You can check if it's a 
graphic you want to keep by double clicking the graphic in 
the right hand pane and your image editor should bring up 
the graphic for your preview. 
 If you don't want to keep it just right click and choose delete. 
 Work your way down the list of graphics. When you have 
finished, go to Tools | Recalculate Hyperlinks as your web 
needs to know where everything is now. 
TIP 7: Drag that link
A quick way to insert a link into FrontPage is to position 
your cursor over the Internet explorer icon in the address 
bar and drag the icon using either your left or right mouse 
button and hover over your FrontPage Application Icon in 
the status bar of your monitor, after a few seconds FrontPage 
will pop up and you can then release the link. Using the right 
mouse button, a dialog box will pop up asking you to 'Create 
Hyperlink'. Using the left button, just deposit it. The link is then 
created and the text is used from the title of the page you 
dragged the hyperlink from.
TIP 8: That link out there! (for v2k/02 only)
If you want to link to an external site within the navigation 
bar this is what you do.
Go to Navigation View right click on the view select 'New Top 
Page' or select the page you want to use.
Right click on the 'New Top Page' and select 'External 
Hyperlink' Input the URL you wish to use, Click OK.  For a 
work around for FP98 see  http://accessfp.net/tip3.htm Tip 7 
TIP 9: End it!
Position your cursor at the text you want to highlight. Press 
SHIFT and END, then the text is highlighted. Plus if you 
continue to press shift and press the down arrow key 
subsequent text is also highlighted.
TIP 10: Spaced out!
We know that to obtain single spacing while writing 
content one presses enter while holding down the shift 
key (Shift + Enter). However what happens if you want 
to reformat text already written?
 Highlight what you want to become single-spaced or 
click 'Select All' from the 'Edit' menu if you want the entire 
document to be that way. 
 Click on 'Format', then 'Paragraph' 
 Change the Spacing 'Before' and Spacing 'After' to zeros. 
 Click on 'Line Spacing', then 'Single'. 
 Click OK.  
 To make this work you must make the spacing before 
and after a zero. You can also make it a 1, which will 
bring it slightly further apart. 
TIP 11: Missing your Menu Bar?
Close down FrontPage. Search your hard drive for the 
file cmdUI.prf.  When you find it, delete it and then bring 
up FrontPage 2000/02  and all should then be well.
TIP 12: FrontPage Hang
If FrontPage hangs it could be because the file has 
gone beyond 32,768 lines of code. There is a limit to 
the size of files that can open for editing, and if you go 
over this magic number FrontPage will 'hang' so try to 
keep your file size down. You can always open the file 
in notepad to delete some of the code if this happens.
TIP 13: You may need to spell check a page in another 
language how do you do that?
Right click on a page and select 'Page Properties'.  Go 
to the 'Language' tab and select the language of your 
choice from the 'Mark Current Document As' dropdown list. 
This informs FP which language you have selected for 
example German.  Now when you spell check by Tools | 
Spelling, FP will then prompt you to install the German 
proofing tools. For this you will need your CD, once this has 
been installed it will spell check the document against the 
German dictionary.
TIP 14: Most times themes are contained in a zip file when 
you download them. Here is what you need to do once you 
download the file:
 Open the zip file 
 Unzip all the files (using a program such as Winzip, 
which can be found at http://www.winzip.com )
Note: unzip each theme to a separate folder and make 
sure that the name of the folder is the name of the .elm file.  
Below are the two paths for fp98 and fp2k.
FrontPage 98 - 
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Front Page\Themes\*\
FrontPage 2000/02 - 
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Themes\*\
*(Insert name of folder for theme here) 
 Open Microsoft FrontPage 
 For FrontPage 98 - Apply the theme by going to the themes 
view and selecting it.  For FrontPage 2000/02 - Apply the 
theme by going to the Format menu and selecting 'Theme'. 
TIP 15: Keeping your code clean
If you want to make sure your code is not changed in any 
way the best way to 'keep' your code is to use the html 
markup box. - Usually used for scripts
Depending on what version of FrontPage you're using, 
the place to find it is different.
FrontPage Express - Insert menu | HTML Markup
FrontPage 98 - Click the 'View Menu' and select the 
'Advanced Toolbar' on there you will find the icon 'Insert 
HTML' or you can go to the 'Insert Menu' and click 'FrontPage 
Component' and click 'Insert html'.
FrontPage 2000 - Insert Menu | Advanced | Html.
FrontPage 2002 - Insert Menu | Web Component | click 
'Advanced Controls' (in the left hand pane) and then 'HTML' 
icon (in the right hand pane) click Finish.
 First position your cursor where you want it to appear 
in normal view. Next insert your script or code that you 
don't wish to be changed into the box that pops up and 
press OK. 
 When you have done this, unless you have the 'show/hide' 
icon (shaped like a backwards P - to make it appear, press 
the icon or use the keyboard. Control + Shift + *) depressed 
you won't see the little yellow markers. (Small yellow box 
with <?> written on them). To access the code again just 
double click this box and the mark-up box will pop open 
and you can edit the code. Using the 'show/hide' icon will 
also show you paragraph marks and other formatting 
marks (similar to F12 in WordPerfect) 
TIP 16: Save changes in Navigation view 
When you make changes to your web's navigation 
structure in Navigation view - for example, adding or 
deleting a page from the structure, or creating a new 
page - those changes are saved automatically when 
you switch to another view, such as 'Page View'. 
However, you can save changes at any time to prevent 
losing work. 
To save changes without switching views, right-click 
on the view background, and then click 'Apply Changes' 
on the shortcut menu. 
TIP 17 What's in a rename?
If, for any reason, you need to change the name of a 
file or folder on your Web site, FrontPage will automatically 
update all the file's associated hyperlinks. You can rename 
a file in several ways, but it's easiest to follow these steps:
  In the Folders, All Files, or Navigation View, click the 
filename to select it and then right click and choose 'rename'.  
A box appears around the filename, and the filename is 
 Type a new name.  Make sure to keep the same 
three-letter extension so that the Explorer knows what 
kind of file you're renaming, though you can change this 
as well, make sure it is one that FrontPage supports. 
e.g:  .htm, .asp, etc. 
 Click slightly away from the box. If the file contains 
associated links, the 'Rename' dialog box appears, 
asking if you'd like to update the links to reflect the 
new name. 
 Click Yes.  The dialog box will close and FrontPage
 automatically updates the links 
TIP 18: Jumping the line
When you use code validators they give you the line 
number to fix the code, in FrontPage 97/98 you had to 
cut and paste to notepad with wrap turned off and count 
down to the correct line number. Now in FrontPage 2000 
and 2002 you can go to the line number on the html tab 
in page view. 
 Right-click anywhere in the HTML page 
 Then click Go To on the shortcut menu. 
 Type the number of the line you want to go to in the 
Enter Line Number box.
Click OK. 
TIP 19: How to check your backgrounds are configured 
and how to configure them.
 In Internet Explorer go to Tools | Internet Options | Colors.  
Untick the Use windows colours and choose a colour for 
the background that no one would use, like spruce pink.  
Click ok twice and refresh the page to your site you will 
see what I mean. I use this method to check my own pages 
you would be surprised at how many 'big' sites don't have 
theirs configured.  Try looking at http://www.yahoo.com/  
 To configure your background in FrontPage. Right click 
on the background of a page 
 Choose Page properties 
 Go to the background tab 
 Go to 'Colour's' | 'background' and choose your 
background colour 
 While you are there change the hyperlink colours from 
automatic as well to the colour of your choice and the 
text too. Press Ok. 
 Remember to use the same link colours throughout 
your site so you won't confuse visitors. 
TIP 20: How to Open your site live and publish from 
the server to your hard drive.
 Make sure you have FrontPage extensions enabled 
on your host. 
 Open up FrontPage and close down any webs you 
have open 
 To Open the site live, choose File | Open Web.  On the 
pop up box click 'Web Folders' on the left hand menu 
and Insert the url of the site you wish to open in box 
marked 'Web Name'
E.g.: http://www.accessfp.net/  
 Click Open. 
 A box will appear asking for your username and 
password. Insert these and press OK. 
 In FrontPage, click on the navigation view so you know 
when the site will have finished loading. 
 The site will load. 
 Once it is fully loaded you may publish to your hard drive. 
 File | Publish.  Insert the location on your hard drive you 
wish to publish to or make an empty web beforehand in 
 When the site has finished publishing close the live site 
and open the one on your hard drive for editing. 
TIP 21: Want to hide a folder/page from the FrontPage 
search and TOC Bots?
Insert a underscore _ before the folder/page name.  
e.g.: _myfile.htm  or _myfolder/  You may want access 
to the folder so be sure the hidden folders box is ticked.  
(Underscored pages are viewable in the navigation 
regardless of the hidden folders box being checked.)  
Tools | Web settings | Advanced Tab.  Make sure the 
'Show hidden files and folders' box is ticked. Press ok. 
You will be asked to refresh the web. Go to the Folders 
View where you will find your new folder.
TIP 22: Thumbnail button
My thumbnail button was greyed out and I could not 
get it to work. All I had to do was have a LARGE graphic 
selected, then the thumbnail button (under tools) becomes 
active, if your graphic has already been reduced it remains 
greyed out.
To make a thumbnail.
 Select the image. 
 On the Pictures toolbar, choose Auto Thumbnail. 
FrontPage creates the thumbnail image, inserts it in 
place of the larger image, and creates a hyperlink to 
the full-sized image from the thumbnail image.
TIP 23: If you wish to configure a page of the larger 
picture of a thumbnail do this.
 Select the thumbnail you wish to link from. On the 
Insert menu, choose hyperlink, or click the hyperlink 
 Click on "Create a page and link to the new page", 
(For FrontPage 2000, this is the white page icon on the 
far right of the Create hyperlink box - For FrontPage 
2002 choose 'Create New Document' from the menu 
on the left of the 'Hyperlink' Dialog Box.) 
 A dialog box comes up "New", with Normal page as the 
default; normally you would use this, so click ok. (For 
FrontPage 2002, you have the choice of naming the 
new document. E.g. "myphoto.htm") 
 a) In FrontPage 2002 the file is then saved to your 
hard drive and you return to the page with the graphic 
you selected, still highlighted. Again, on the 'Insert' 
menu, choose hyperlink, or click the hyperlink Icon. 
Scroll down the list of files till you come to the one you 
just made i.e. "myphoto.htm" select it then press ok. 
b) For FrontPage 2000 you have to save the page and 
you need to name it. (if you ticked 'Just add web task' 
when choosing the template (3) the page will asked to 
be named and saved and then close and you will have 
to go look in the folders view to open it again.) 
 Open the file "myphoto.htm" (if you're using shared 
borders it is best to delete the shared borders for this 
page only) and insert your large graphic. You can add 
text, configure the background, centre the graphic 
anything you want. Save the page, and when you have 
published the page you should be able to click on the 
thumbnail and it will take you to this file. 
TIP 24: Getting rid of a background in Themes
If you dislike the background in the theme of your 
choice you don't have to remake the whole theme, 
just get rid of the background instead.
 Right-click anywhere on your page and choose 
Theme from the pop-up menu that appears. 
 In the Choose Theme dialog box, uncheck the 
Background Image box. You get a preview of what 
your page looks like without the background pattern. 
 If you like what you see, click OK. If you don't like 
what you see, you can always click the Background 
Image again. 
TIP 25: Alt Text Change
 Right-click the image and choose Image Properties. 
The 'Image Properties' dialog box appears, (In FrontPage 
2000 with the name and size of the image file appearing 
in the Text box, in the Alternative Representations section). 
 Insert your descriptive text into the Text Box. 
 Click OK. 
TIP 26: Close to Word
If you working closely with Microsoft Word, or other 
Office programs, don't simply drag the text into FrontPage 
- it carries over the formatting, which is a pain to get rid of. 
To tidy it up, press Ctrl-space or Ctrl-Shift-Z, or Format | 
Remove Formatting which removes all previous formatting. 
You can also paste the content into Notepad first, then cut 
and paste to FrontPage. Alternately Microsoft has a Add-on 
that will also do the job. 
TIP 27: Easier tables
If you need to display data on a web page, but don't 
want the hassle of manually typing it into tables, there 
is an easier way. Simply paste the data (from a Word 
document, say) into the page, then select it, then select 
Table from the Table Menu then "convert text to table".  
You can do this in reverse as well. "Table", "convert table 
to text". In the dialog box that appears, specify what 
delimiting character was used to separate the data (probably 
a comma, tab, or paragraph mark) and click OK. FrontPage 
will format the data as an HTML table.  FrontPage "remembers" 
where the tabs appeared in tab-delimited data-even though 
HTML doesn't recognize tabs. However, you should 
convert your text immediately. If you close and reopen 
the document, FrontPage will "forget" where the tabs were 
and consider them spaces instead.
TIP 28: Specify fonts
To specify ideal viewing fonts, view the page in HTML. 
Select the text you want to view and choose the font 
(such as Arial) then position the cursor to the right of 
the font name that has just appeared. You add extra 
fonts simply by typing them in, separated by a comma. 
Or you can select the text you wish to add extra fonts 
too, then right click choose Font and insert the extra 
fonts inserting a comma between each, press ok.
TIP 29: Finding the file
To find a file in the navigation View, click the file in the 
folder list and right click choose 'Find in navigation' 
and the file will be highlighted in the 'Navigation View'.
TIP 30: How to unlink
In FrontPage 2000, select the hyperlink and click the unlink 
icon. If it is not available go to Tools | Customize.  In the left 
hand pane choose Edit and in the right hand pane 
scroll down till you find unlink. Drag it to the menu bar 
In FrontPage 2002 select the hyperlink, right click and 
choose Hyperlink Properties, in the Hyperlink Dialog 
Box click the 'Remove Link' button. (There is no unlink 
icon in FrontPage 2002).
TIP 31: Space Saver
When you create blocks or items of text (such as 
bullet-points with the <LI> tag) and want a new font 
to highlight your list, use only one <FONT> tag to style 
the entire list. If you use separate <FONT> tags for 
each bullet-point, many browsers will add unwanted 
space between the items.
TIP 32: How to use a hover button within a framed 
By Clicking on a hover button in one frame you can 
change the contents within another frame. To do this 
simply add the following code to the list of parameters 
between the <applet> and </applet> tags.
<param name="target" value=" The name of the frame ">
TIP 33: Clearing your cache
FrontPage 98 stores all its temp files (cache) in its own 
subdirectory, which is usually stored at C:\Program 
Files\Microsoft FrontPage\temp.  FrontPage 98 does 
not clear these automatically so sooner rather than later 
your hard drive will be bulging!  To clear out these 
temp files
 Select Windows Explorer to locate the FrontPage 
Temp subdirectory 
 Select and delete all its contents (but don't delete 
the temp subdirectory itself) 
Or you can:
 Press Start 
 Select Find | Find Folders under the Name and 
Location tab | Named box enter first:
*.tmp - Press 'Find Now' and wait till all the files are 
located Go to the menu bar and click Edit | Select all. 
Right click in the window pane on the files under the 
'Name' column and select Delete in the pop up menu, 
Click yes when the recycle bin asks if you want to 
delete them.
*.chk - Do the same with .chk. 
 FrontPage 2000/02 have a built-in provision for 
deleting the contents of the temp subdirectory. 
Tools | Web Settings | Advanced Tab, click the Delete 
Files button. 
TIP 34: Setting White as Default Background Colour 
for all New Pages
It is very common for web-developer's to overlook turning 
their page background colour to white because it already 
appears white in the FrontPage Normal View, when it is 
actually set to "default" in the Page Properties. If your 
default background colour is set to white in your browser, 
you may not catch it when you view your pages, either.
To thwart this in the future, you can modify your "normal 
page template" in FrontPage to always have white set 
as the background colour automatically when you create 
a new page. Here's how to do it. 
 Open a web in Frontpage:  Press File | New (FP02 - 
File or web | Page Templates) Normal 
 Do Not tick "Just Add Task", Click ok 
 To make background and other changes:  Click 
Format | Background. Then change the background,
 fonts and hyperlinks to the colours you wish to choose.  
You can also change the margins with this dialog box as 
well if you wish and also meta tags that you wish to use 
 Now you are ready to save:  Click | File | Save As 
(Not Save) 
 Change the text in the url and title boxes to normal 
 Click Save as Type  
 Check the url and title say normal 
 Click ok. 
From now on you will have a blank page with the 
colours you have set up. For Background that should 
be white, for text black and for hyperlinks whatever you 
wish, this depends on how you generally use your pages. 
If you prefer dark backgrounds choose hyperlink colours 
that are going to be visible.
TIP 35: Hover buttons not working
If your hover buttons don't work on the Web, chances are 
good that you didn't upload the Java applet files to your 
server. There are two files, fphover.class and fphoverx.class, 
and they must be in a directory called _fpclass within your 
root web.  However, do NOT put the HTML page that includes 
the buttons in that directory.  You also need to have 
server extensions installed.  If you can't see them at first, 
check your hidden folders box is ticked. Tools | Web 
settings | Advanced Tab. Make sure the 'Show hidden 
files and folders' box is ticked. Press ok. You will be asked 
to refresh the web. 
TIP 36: Discussion Group - New messages go to message 1
This error is caused by using upper case characters for the 
name of the folder (the default name of this folder when first 
using the Discussion Wizard is "_disc1") in which the articles 
are stored.  Make sure your discussion web folders are all 
lower case.
TIP 37: Butt what a table
When you have two tables butted together vertically, it 
can be hard to insert a line between them. To do so, place 
the cursor after the content of the top table's last cell and 
press [Ctrl][Enter]. 
NOTE: The cursor MUST be in the last cell and MUST be 
at the end of all content. 
Similarly, to put the insertion point before a table at the 
top of your document, place the cursor before the content 
of the first cell and press [Ctrl][Enter].  In FrontPage 97, if 
this cell is empty, you'll have to type a character in it before 
hitting [Ctrl][Enter].
TIP 38: Pointing to the graphics application
If your default image editor is Image Composer, but 
you want to use another application, you need to 
reconfigure the settings and point to the one you want.
 In FrontPage, select Tools + Options. 
 In the Options dialog box, click the Configure Editors tab. 
 A list of different file types and the editor--or program--
that FrontPage uses to work with that type of file appears. 
Because you're working with image files, the most important 
types of files are GIF and JPEG. 
 Highlight the GIF file type and click Modify; then browse 
to find the photo editing program's executable file, select it, 
and click OK. 
 Highlight the JPEG file type and click Modify; then 
browse to find the photo editing program's executable file, 
select it, and click OK. 
 When finished, click OK to exit the Options dialog box.  
(see tip #39) 
TIP 39: Which is which
If you're a little confused as to which file is which. 
The best way to find out which is an executable file is:
 Select the file you think is the correct one, then 
right-click the filename and choose Properties. 
 In the next dialog box, you see a listing with the 
DOS name of the program. If the name has the .EXE 
file extension, it's an executable file. The dialog box 
also mentions that the file is an application. 
 Click Cancel to exit this dialog box and then select 
the application to be your default photo editor. 
TIP 40: To Create a Verified Hyperlink
Creating a verified hyperlink is the most accurate way 
because you actually visit the page the hyperlink will 
Point to.
 Type AnyFrontPage and then press ENTER. 
 Holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse 
over the words you just typed to select them. 
 On the Insert menu, choose Hyperlink. 
 The Create Hyperlink dialog box is displayed. 
 In the Create Hyperlink dialog box, click the World 
Wide Web button. 
 FrontPage launches your Web browser.  When you 
visit the page that the hyperlink should point to and 
then switch back to FrontPage, the URL field will 
contain the address of the target page. 
 In your Web browser's Address (or Location) field, 
type http://anyfrontpage.com for example and then 
press ENTER.   
 The Web browser displays the AnyFrontPage.com 
home page, where you can learn more about FrontPage 
via a the FrontPage Ezine, and find solutions to 
common questions at the forums. 
 On your keyboard, press ALT+TAB (or click the 
FrontPage icon in the Windows task bar) to switch 
back to the FrontPage 'Create Hyperlink' dialog box. 
 The URL of the AnyFrontPage home page is now 
entered into the URL field in the Create Hyperlink 
dialog box. 
 Click OK. 
 On your keyboard, press the DOWN ARROW key to 
deselect the text.  The words "AnyFrontPage" are 
now underlined to indicate the hyperlink. 
TIP 41: The high life!
Place the cursor to the left of the first letter, hold 
down the shift key and then place the cursor at the 
end of the text you want to change and the whole 
text area will be highlighted.
TIP 42: Flowing Text
If you want text to flow around your image, the trick is 
to change the image's properties so that the text runs 
to the left or right of your image: 
 Right-click the image. 
 Choose Image Properties from the menu that appears. 
 Click the Appearance tab in the Image Properties 
dialog box. 
 Under Alignment, choose Left or Right. 
 Click OK to close the Image Properties dialog box.  
Now your text flows around your image instead of 
sitting above or below it. If you don't already have 
text on the page, you can begin typing now, and your 
text flows automatically. 
TIP 43: Design Tip 
To stop other webmasters from framing your site just 
insert the following piece of JavaScript code between 
the <head> </head> tags on your homepage:
<script language="JavaScript">
if (self.parent.frames.length != 0)
Just change YOURURL to the full URL of the page 
you don't want frames on. For example if I put that 
code on: 
I would also use the same URL in the URL field in the JavaScript.
TIP 44: Hidden away
To help you organise your hidden pages, you can also 
create folders within the /_private folder, such as 
/_private/myfolder. Folders and files within the /_private 
folder are inaccessible by a Web browser unless you 
have the web server ID and Password. 
TIP 45: Never mind the quality.  Feel the compression
FrontPage is set up by default to further compress 
inserted images by as much as 75 per cent, and this 
will degrade the quality of the image once the page is 
saved. To prevent this you can right-click on the image 
you just inserted into FrontPage (prior to saving the page) 
and select Image Properties from the pop up menu. 
Change the JPEG compression setting to 100 per cent, 
which will prevent FrontPage from compressing the image 
further. This will of course increase the file size.
TIP 46: Move that Image 
If you start off making your website and, like me in the 
beginning, don't know to put all images in the images 
folder. You can move them now to the images folder. 
 Go to Folders View and in the Folders List click the 
images folder. Then in the right hand pane click on 
'Type' to line up all the Image files.  
 Click on the first Image file to select it, Press 'Shift' 
and hold down, scroll down to the last Image file and 
select it. Let go of 'shift' 
 Right click within the highlighted files and keep 
holding down the button while you drag all the files 
over to the LEFT hand pane and position over the 
'Image' folder let go and click 'Move here' when the 
dialog box pops up. When you do this all the images 
will be moved over and a dialog box will pop up asking 
if you want to retain the links say yes. Don't forget to 
recalculate your links before uploading your website. 
TIP 47: Set properties on the HTML tab in Page view
When you're editing a page on the HTML tab in Page 
view, you can use Microsoft FrontPage to help you set 
the properties of an HTML tag, instead of memorizing 
the valid attributes and values and typing them yourself.
For example, if you want to add a border to an image, 
you can type border="1" in the <img> tag - but that 
assumes you know the valid attributes and values for 
image tags. Instead, you can use the Picture Properties 
dialog box to set the border, and FrontPage automatically 
writes the border settings, in the proper syntax and using 
valid values, back into the <img> tag. Unlike previous 
versions of FrontPage, you don't need to exit the HTML
 tab to use dialog boxes to set properties for a tag. 
 On the HTML tab in Page view, position the insertion 
point inside the tag name (not inside an attribute or a 
value) of the tag you want to set properties for, 
right-click to display the shortcut menu, and then click 
Tag Properties.  
 FrontPage displays the appropriate properties dialog 
box for that HTML tag. For example, if you click in a 
form field check box tag, FrontPage displays the Check 
Box Properties dialog box. 
 Set the properties you want. The dialog box lets you 
choose from among the valid attributes and values for 
that tag. 
 When you click OK to close the properties dialog box, 
FrontPage immediately rewrites the HTML for that tag. 
TIP 48: To copy or paste? 
To Copy formatting from selected characters or a 
paragraph and apply it to the text you select. 
 Select the formatting you want to copy 
 Click the 'Format painter' icon 
 The cursor turns into a paintbrush. 
 Brush it across the text you wish to change. 
NOTE: To copy the selected formatting to several 
locations, double-click Format Painter. Click the button 
again when you're finished.
You can use the 'Copy' and 'Paste' Keyboard shortcuts:
 Select the text you want to copy. 
 Press Ctrl + Shift + C  
 Select the text you want to change 
 Press Ctrl + Shift + V  
TIP 49: What's on the menu?
 Press Tools | Customize 
 Look in the left hand pane under categories for the 
menu listing you want.  Click on it 
 In the right hand pane under Commands are the icons 
that can either go on the tool bar or in the menu bar. 
 If you want a description of one just click on it and 
press description down below. 
 To add a Command to the Toolbar or menu bar just 
left click and drag the command to the Toolbar and 
you can just drop it into place. 
 With the menu bar you can hover over a menu heading, 
and the menu drops down.  Position the command 
where you want it on the menu list when a black line 
appears and you drop the command. 
 Now you can find all the commands you have been 
looking for. 
TIP 50: Float it!
On some of the menu items, e.g. Component and 
Form, there is a grey shaded area in the drop-down 
menu. You can click and drag this to make a floating 
TIP 51: Reveal it!
When you work on your page, you're creating HTML 
tags.  FrontPage is designed so that you don't see them 
in normal view. However if you want to see what tags 
are being created in Normal View do the following. 
 Click View | Reveal Tags 
They will appear in yellow 
 To hide them, click View | Reveal tags again. 
 or if you prefer the keyboard Ctrl + / 
TIP 52: X is NOT the button
Shutting down FrontPage by clicking on the X button 
in the top right hand corner of FP can cause your 
extensions to become corrupt if you have just published. 
So always shut down FrontPage in the prescribed 
manner, namely:
 Click the Done button after publishing. 
 Click File | Close web 
 Click exit 
Better safe than sorry.
TIP 53: Watermark it.
To Watermark your page do the following:
 Right click on the background of your page 
 Click 'Page Properties' | Background tab  
 Tick the box marked 'Background Picture' 
 Click Browse to find a background 
 Tick the box marked ' Watermark' 
 Click Ok. 
Note: Watermarked backgrounds are not supported in 
all browsers. Watermarks won't work with pages that 
have a theme applied.
TIP 54: Follow that Hyperlink
When your editing a page you can follow a hyperlink 
which will open up the destination page or file. So 
when you have created a hyperlink you can test it 
straight away.  Though FrontPage follows the 
hyperlink differently, depending on the destination: 
 If the destination is a page, FrontPage opens the 
page for editing in Page view.  
 If the destination is a bookmark, FrontPage opens 
the page and scrolls down to the bookmark.  
 If the destination is a file, FrontPage opens the file in 
its associated editor. For example, FrontPage opens 
a text file in Notepad.  
 If the destination is not in the current web, FrontPage 
opens a copy of the destination page or file. 
In Page view, Select and then right-click the hyperlink, 
and then click 'Follow Hyperlink' on the pop up box. 
NOTE: You can also press and hold CTRL, and then 
click the hyperlink to follow it.   If you followed a 
hyperlink to another page, click Back to return to the 
original page.
TIP 55: Open in a new window
I want all my links on one page to open up in a new 
window and on another page I only want one of them 
to do this, how can I make this happen?
A) For one link to be open in new window:
 Select the link you want to open in a new window. 
 Click the hyperlink icon. Or press Control + K and the 
Create Hyperlink box will come up.  
 Click the 'Change Target Frame' icon (like a pencil) 
next to where it says 'Target Frame'. (For FrontPage 
2002 - click the Target Button on the right-hand side) 
 Another box will pop up and you should select new 
window and press ok and save the page. 
B) To select the whole page:
 After selecting new window,  tick the box at the bottom 
where it says 'set as page default' press ok and save 
the page. 
The code that FrontPage inserts is:  
<base target="_blank"> Which goes between your head tags.  
NOTE: It is not a good idea to use this on pages with 
internal links. Open in a new window is normally kept 
for External links.
Tina Clarke is the Webmaster of AccessFP - FrontPage 
Resource Centre 
and an editor of "AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine". Subscribe to 
the FrontPage ezine and get FREE FrontPage E-Books upon 
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Do you want to know the latest on FrontPage? Do you want 
Tips, news, articles, links and ebooks on FrontPage? Well the 
AnyFrontPage Bytes Ezine is the best place for your FrontPage 
and web crafting needs, join up at: 
Are you looking for resources for FrontPage? Want to know 
where all the best FP links are? The hosts, the lists, the forums? 
Use AccessFP - FrontPage Resources Centre as the start site 
for your FrontPage Information facts. 
~~ Fred Arshoff
The short answer is yes, but I will explain why and 
what I highly recommend.

First of all both programs, though they are security 
type applications, do different things. Firewalls will 
detect and stop hackers from breaking into your computer.  
This is a must, particularly if you have a cable modem 
connection.  When you're connected at all times, people 
can easily hack into your computer and cause many 
things to happen, such as steal personal data from you 
or perhaps delete data that is crucial to you.

An antivirus program will detect and remove most 
computer viruses provided that you have the data file 
up to date. There are some antivirus programs that 
detect viruses only in email.  Though this is where most 
viruses do enter your computer, you should have one to 
detect a virus from any other source, such as a floppy 
disk or CD.  A friend could have given you the CD, not 
knowing it had a virus. 

And, when you have both a firewall and AV program,  
the best thing to do is buy a security suite, though I won't 
name any as I won't endorse one vendor over another.  
Sometimes when you buy standalones, there are conflicts 
between them and you are no further ahead.  You may 
actually be further behind the eight ball as neither functions 
well.  Most antivirus vendors do make suites.

Also if you buy stand alones, if there is a conflict, neither 
vendor will give you technical support as they will claim 
the problem was created by the other vendor's application. 
Also, in most cases buying a suite is cheaper then buying 
two standalone products.
Fred Arshoff is self employed in the computer industry where 
his favorite thing is troubleshooting security and virus issues. 
He runs two Yahoo groups: 
Fred's Findings 
and Fred's Virus Info. 
~~ Vic Ferri, Windows Tips & Tricks
Windows Find Icon

A few weeks ago, someone asked me if it was possible 
to write a bat file that would execute the Windows "Find 
Files or Folders" feature, when clicked.  I said, "If that's 
what you really want to do, sure - just make a simple 
batch file with the following commands:

@echo off
start find.fnd

but why not just create an actual find icon which you 
can click directly?"

In the above bat file a find icon is created and then 
launched.  All you need is the find icon itself - find.fnd - 
and it doesn't need a batch file to be created. Right 
click your desktop, choose New>Text Document and 
then name it Find.fnd (or any name you prefer, so long 
as it ends with the extension .fnd) 

He thanked me and said he hadn't been aware of that 
and I said, "Hmm - maybe he's not the only one and I 
need something to write about for Linda's ABC - lol.
Preserving Your Favicons

Favicons are those custom icons you see assigned to 
some of your Favorites in Internet Explorer 5 and up. 
Whenever you add a site to your Favorites, IE first looks 
for "favicon.ico" on the sites root folder and if found, that's 
the icon it assigns to your bookmark. If not found, you 
get the default blue and white IE icon.

Having a few Favicons serves a useful purpose - they 
make it easier to locate and identify your favorite saved 
sites in your Favorites list. Linda's site, for example, 
uses a bright red heart icon, which can't be missed 
no matter how long your Favorite list is. 

However, there is one problem with favicons. They 
get deleted whenever you clear your TIF (Temporary 
Internet Files), where the favicons are stored, and 
as a result, your saved favicon sites revert back to 
the generic blueandwhite icons. 

But it doesn't have to be that way, and contrary to 
popular belief, you do not have to revisit the sites and 
booknark them again, to get the favicons back.

You can make your favicons permanent with a simple 
and familiar method.

Just go to your TIF folder (for quick access, type 
TEMPOR~1 in your Run box) and copy and paste the 
favicons you would like to retain into a different folder. 
Then go to your Favorites list in IE, right click each 
bookmark whose favicon has disappeared, and choose 
Properties. Now simply click the Change Icon tab and 
browse to find and select the favicon you saved in a 
different folder. And that's all there is to it.

All your Favorites are just shortcuts (they all have the 
extension "url" which the Registry associates with Internet 
Shortcut) and, like any other Windows shortcut, they have 
the Change Icon option.  This means you can assign any 
icon, not just favicons, to any of your bookmarks.
Web Builder Tip

You can easily assign different icons for different pages 
on your site by adding this line anywhere between the 
HEAD tags of the page:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.mysite.com/myicon.ico";>

Of course, substitute the url with your own. Also, it doesn't 
have to be an icon on your site - you can reference icons 
from other locations as well.
Vic Ferri owns the very popular WinTips and Tricks email group 
He is also in charge of the Printing Tips page at
Linda's Computer Stop.
ans also the Registry Tips page. 
******************STATION BREAK********************
Are you into Video Computing?
VIDEOMAKER is the world's most popular monthly consumer 
video production publication and covers the use of digital video 
editing, camcorders, cameras, and desktop video and audio 
production for novice and expert enthusiasts alike. Its articles 
teach production techniques, survey and review the latest 
equipment, and explain the newest technological advances.
Published monthly, and is available on select newsstands and 
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full access to Club VId, Videomaker's vast online resource of 
information about making video.
And the best part is, it's CHEAP! Only $14.97 for 13 issues!  
~~Chad K. Welch
Last issue we discussed the way Microsoft Office software 
handles dates.  However, VBA handles dates a little bit 
differently.  Well, I take that back.  The dates and times 
are handled the same way, but representing them may 
be a little different sometimes.  For example, suppose 
you wanted to keep track of the finish times in your 
local "Tortoise and Hare Marathon Run."  In Excel you 
would set the cell format to keep track of total hours and 
minutes (custom format [H]:mm).  
In VBA the format doesn't work.  In other words, if you 
have a textbox and try to run the following code, you'd 
expect to see 30:43 since that is 1.28 days:  

TextBox1.Text = Format(1.28, "[H]:mm").  

However, :12 shows up in the textbox.  Where did that 
come from?  

There are a couple of ways to "smudge" the answer 
and display what you really think should be in there.  
I use a formula similar to:

TextBox1.Text = Int(1.28 * 24) & ":" & Format(1.28 * 1440 - Int(1.28 *
24) * 60, "00")

Like I say, this is just one of many ways.  I'd be interested 
to see how you've handled similar problems.  Please email 
them to me. 

Remember, $5.00 to anyone who sends me a question or 
idea that I can use in this article.
Chad K. Welch works as a technician/enabler in Utah. He is 
available for consulting or application programming with 
Microsoft Office and VBA. Contact him directly for more 
information at chad@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
~~Steve Mills

 Address Fixer ... 5 Geezers 
 STG Thumb ... 6 Geezers 
 Ad-aware ... 6 Geezers 
 MyIE ... 5 Geezers 

<screen captures of the software interfaces online>
Boy, did this turn out to be a hodge podge this month. 
As I began working on the column, I realized that there 
were several programs that I unearthed this month that 
have become a regular part of my working repertoire. 
These are utilities and programs that you nearly forget 
about because they just quickly and quietly do their job. 
I believe you will be pleased with any of them, if you 
need that particular functionality. 

Your suggestions are welcome and encouraged. 

Take Care...
Program: Address Fixer
Version and Date: Unknown
Author: DYMO
Web Site: 
License: Freeware
Rating: 5 Geezers 

I had been looking for a simple program to check 
addresses for some time. Everything was too complicated 
and I had been using WOPR under Microsoft Word to 
accomplish this. Address Fixer is produced by DYMO to 
introduce people to their printers, but I see no restrictions 
on use.

Address Fixer automatically checks any US address 
against the USPS master database while you're connected 
to the Internet. Mistakes are automatically corrected, the 
ZIP+4 is added, and formatting is adjusted to Post Office 

Address Fixer works as a stand-alone Windows utility, 
or with Microsoft Word, Palm OS4 and higher and the 
latest DYMO LabelWriter software.  

It's lightening fast and accurate. I use it daily. 
Program: STG Thumb
Version and Date: 1.62     4/4/02
Author: STG
Web Site: http://www.stgsys.com/stgthumb.asp
License: Freeware
Rating: 6 Geezers 

This is one of those areas where I've probably tested 
a dozen or more programs which do the same thing and 
this is the winner. Once again, I wanted a program to do 
one thing and do it well - produce thumbnail images from 
larger pictures and produce a simple, but functional web 
page. Here it is. 

You may notice that the release date was a couple of 
days ago. I had written the author that I was experiencing 
some interface issues under certain configurations of XP. 
I also apologized for requesting support on a totally free 
program. I got a nice note back explaining that the bug 
was a problem with a support library and they would 
recompile the program. By the end of the day it was done. 
I should add that I wrote without mentioning I was doing 
a review. 

It has a boat load of features. Here are some: 

  You can convert from several formats (AVI;GIF;JPG;TIF;
 On animated GIFs and AVIs, you get thumbnails of the
 first frame.  
 Option to add a prefix or a suffix to the thumbnails 
filenames so that you can easily identify them.  
 Option to auto-rotate images to get a better fit.  
 You can apply special effects to the thumbnails: Blur, 
Sharpen, Emboss, Fuzzy Blur. 
 New Settings Option: effects to apply to the thumbnail. 
Blur, Sharpen, Emboss, Fuzzy Blur 
 Quick View: double click to open on the internal file 
 Drag and Drop: you can drag and drop files from 
Windows Explorer directly into the file list.  
 New Option: Only Convert Selected Files. Convert 
only selected files instead of all listed.  
 Progress screen during conversion
 Thumbnail Catalog Generation 

The interface is intuitive and you'll be using this program 
in minutes after installing it.
Program: Ad-aware
Version and Date: 5.81     5/7/02
Author: Lavasoft
Download: http://www.majorgeek.com/index2.html
License: Freeware
Rating: 6 Geezers 

This is one of those programs I wish we didn't need. 
Believe me, I understand that we are going to need 
commercial support to help defray the cost of the Internet, 
but these programs that plant themselves on your hard 
drive and send info to the home office are going too far. 
Ad-aware is a free multi spyware removal utility, that scans 
your memory, registry and hard drives for known spyware 
components and lets you remove them safely. Like a virus 
program, they update signature files regularly and have a 
program to automate the process. 

Get This!
Program: MyIE
Version and Date: 3.2 
Author: Unknown
License: Freeware
Rating: 5 Geezers

My work as a tech support clerk requires me to open a 
lot of browser windows and I gradually have become a 
fan of some of the Internet Explorer variants, which have 
a tabbed interface to manage multiple Windows. Currently, 
I use NetCaptor, but I will probably be switching to myIE. 
There is a fairly steep curve to learning any of these 
programs, so changing is done only after due consideration. 

MyIE has a lot of neat features for managing cookies and 
pop-up windows. The help is primarily in English. It's small 
and requires no installation. Just put the files in a directory, 
point to the executable and go. It requires IE 5 or above. 

This is one good piece of software.  
However, the Help is limited.

Final Thought ~
 Committee: A group that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
Steve Mills currently does clerical work with a search engine 
consulting firm and has been reviewing software in different 
capacities for many years.
~~ PCTechTalk's G Man
Something Different:
Oddly enough, I find myself without a worthwhile OE 
tip to write about this month. Instead of not writing 
anything at all, I've decided to open up the focus of this 
column a bit and cover additional issues that might be 
of interest to you and your computer systems. This 
doesn't mean that I'll no longer write about Outlook 
Express. As always, if you have a particular idea in 
mind for a column, please don't hesitate to contact 
Linda and she will let me know about it.

So, this month, I'd like to start some discussions about 
computer system maintenance. There are a number of 
benefits to following these simple instructions including 
fewer system crashes and a faster, more responsive 
computing experience.

The first part of any maintenance program is to clean 
out the temporary files that Windows creates during its 
normal operation (these files generally help protect the 
original files that Windows has opened in order for you to 
do whatever it is you wanted to do). While Windows is fairly 
good at mopping up after itself, there are still some things 
that escape its ability to 'self-clean'. The following paragraphs 
will show you how to get rid of these left-over files that do 
nothing but take up space and interfere with normal operation. 
Keep in mind that these are procedures that should be done 
somewhat frequently. Personally, I follow them at least 
once a week to prevent temp files from building up too much.

The first thing I do is to go into my Temp folder (In Win9x/ME, 
the default location is C:\Windows\Temp. For Win2000/XP, 
you'll find it normally located at C:\Documents and 
Settings\*username*\Local Settings\Temp) and delete 
anything that's more than two days old. The reason I don't 
delete the newer files is because some of them may still be 
in use by Windows. When you're finished, you can close 
Windows Explorer.

Next, open up Internet Explorer and click on Tools/Internet 
Options. On the General tab (the one that should be 
selected automatically), locate the Temporary Internet 
Files section in the middle. Click on the Delete Files button 
and then the OK button on the second window that pops up. 
This will clear out the garbage that's been copied to your 
hard drive from the internet pages you've viewed since the 
last time you cleaned them out. When you're done, click on 
the OK button to close the Internet Options property sheet 
and then close out Internet Explorer.

Finally, right click on the Recycle Bin on your Desktop and 
select "Empty Recycle Bin" to reclaim all of the space these 
files had been taking up. If you have Norton's Utilities or 
SystemWorks program running on your system, right click 
it again and select "Empty Norton Protected Files" as well 
(if the option isn't there, don't worry about this step).

Next month, we'll move onto getting your hard drive in top 
G Man runs a free, 24-hour-a-day email tech list, called 
PCTechTalk, where you can submit any questions you 
have about computer hardware & software. You can 
request fixes for specific problems you're having with 
your computer or just sit back and learn from the 
conversations of the other members. This group truly 
caters to newbies and nerds alike, so you can be assured 
that your questions will be taken seriously. To join, send 
a blank email to pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or visit 
the group's homepage here:
~~ by Dian Chapman, MouseTrax
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is recommended that you read 
the online version of the following article which includes 
screen captures which might make it easier to understand.
Do you have paper fax forms at your office that you have 
to fill in by hand? Wouldn't it be easier if you could open 
a fax form on your computer, fill in some basic information 
and then just print out a neatly typed fax to run over to the 
fax machine? If this sounds like something you can use, 
read on and I'll give you a little lesson that will show you 
how you can create a cool little form! 

Create Your Master Template

The first thing you need to do is design your form. Since 
this is a form that will play the roll of the master format, it'll 
need to be a template. A template is a master file from which 
future documents will be created. So open Word. Click File/New. 
You'll be presented with the template directory. Select the Blank 
Document template, but before you click OK, notice at the bottom 
of this dialog that you can choose to create a new document or 
a template. Choose Template. Or, after you type a few words 
on the blank page, click File/SaveAs and click the drop down 
under Save as type and select template. This move will cause 
Word to switch your default save directory to your default 
template directory. By saving the file in this default directory, 
the template will then appear in the File/New template directory 
when it comes time to use your new form.  

Design Your Form

Now you need to design your form. You can make it as 
simple as to just type To: and From: on each line. Or you 
can jazz it up a little by using a table layout. Maybe add 
dark shading in the label rows and use white text labels 
to create a reverse text look for the To, From, Date, Subject, 
and No. of Pages. 

And with a little fancy shading in your table design and a 
few text box formatting tricks, you can make a pretty slick 
looking form.

Adding Form Fields

Now you need to add some form fields. This will provide 
locations for the user to jump to when they add the needed 
information. By using form fields, rather than allowing the 
user to type directly into the table cells, you'll help to protect 
your beautiful formatting. Plus it'll allow the user to easily 
jump from location to location by hitting the Tab key. 

To add form fields, you need to turn on the Forms toolbar. 
Click View/Toolbars and toggle on the Form toolbar. There 
are several fields on the toolbar that you can use on your 
form, such as option buttons, check boxes, or drop downs. 
But we'll just be concentrating on the Text Form Field in 
this article.  

Click in the first location where someone will need to 
enter information. Then click on the Text Form Field button 
and a Text Form Field will be entered into the current location. 
Continue throughout your form and add a field into each of 
the locations where the user will fill in information. And don't 
forget to add one for the message itself.  

Note that your form fields may not look like mine, with 
the dark brackets around them, because those brackets 
indicate a bookmark. All form field have a bookmark name. 
I work with bookmarks a lot, so I have mine visible all the 
time, by clicking Tools/Options/View and clicking on the 
Bookmark option. If you don't have this option turned on, 
your bookmarks will be flat gray squares. 

The Final Touches

There's just one final thing you now need to do to make 
your form work properly. You need to protect it. By 
protecting the document, you lock up the document so it 
can no longer be edited. However, the form fields will 
remain open, allowing users to enter information into those 
fields. But the rest of your form will be locked up so users 
cannot modify the layout of the form itself.  

To protect a form, you simply click Tools/ProtectDocument. 
Another dialog will appear. Select Forms. If you want to 
ensure that a user won't just click the same menu options 
to unlock the form and change it, you can add a password. 
Just be sure you use a password you'll remember! 

Note that if you fill out the form and unprotect it, then 
attempt to protect it again, all the fields will be blanked 
out. This is so a developer can test their form by filling it 
out and then clear the field easily before saving the final 
version. You, too, can now test your form. After it's protected,
 jump through the field and fill out sample details. Make any 
adjustments you feel necessary and then unlock and relock 
it before you save the final version so your sample information 
will be erased and not saved into the master form.

That's it! Now you can toss it into a shared template directory. 
To use the form, users will open Word and click File/New. 
Navigate to the shared directory tab and select your form. 
A new document will be created from your form. The user 
will hit the Tab key to jump from field to field. They will 
enter the needed information and then save their new 
document and print their final fax.

You can also let users create a shortcut to the form to 
keep handy on their desktop. Just have them Right Click 
their desktop, select New/Shortcut and Browse to where 
the shared form is located. Now when they double click 
the Fax icon on their desktop, it'll open itself in Word and 
they'll be ready to go! 

One Step Beyond

If you want to add more automation to your form and 
really make it cool, you can add automated Input Boxes 
or even a Custom Dialog Box by writing some VBA (Visual 
Basic for Applications) programming code. Then when the 
form is opened, a dialog box could open asking the user to 
enter their information. You can have them enter the 
information field by field into Input Boxes, or better, add 
all the information at one time into a single Custom Dialog 
Box. Then you'd use variables as "virtual buckets" to collect 
the information from the form and enter it through code into 
the correct fields on the form.   

I've written a series of articles on creating AutoForms 
that will teach you how to add more sophisticated 
automation to your forms. The articles start with the basics 
as presented here, but go through using more of the various 
form fields, on to custom dialogs and concludes with 
connecting forms to databases to pass information from a 
form to a database through automation. You can find links 
to these articles on my web site's tutorial page at 

And if you'd like to learn more about creating custom 
dialog boxes like the one above, I've written a recent 
article that appears in my new online magazine, TechTrax. 
It focuses on further details of creating this type of dialog 
box, as well as using variables to pass data to the form. 
You can find that tutorial by going to TechTrax at 
www.mousetrax.com/techtrax/. Click the link there to 
enter the current May 2002 issue. There you'll find the 
Creating Custom Dialog Boxes article. 

AutoForms can be quite fun and satisfying to create. 
And you don't have to just create fax forms. You can 
create order forms, check request forms, even personnel 
forms. Put it this way, I haven't found a form yet that can't 
be recreated in Word. 
Dian Chapman is a Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP 
and Editor of TechTrax Ezine (online magazine), specializing 
in AutoForms, technical writing, web development and tech 
support. She enjoys teaching people how to enjoy their 
computers more and loves the challenge of providing 
automated solutions to business problems. You can find 
out more about Dian and read many more of her tutorials 
by visiting her web site at www.mousetrax.com and her 
online magazine at www.mousetrax.com/techtrax/. 
******************STATION BREAK*******************
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So...what have you got to lose? Check out this series:
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~~ by Tom Glander, TAGHosting
When you click a link, you probably don't think much 
about how the page that appears actually got in front 
of your eyeballs.

Do you?

I never did, until I started my own web hosting business.  
Then I *really* started to care. Let's look at *why* your  
web site is displayed when someone clicks a link.

And just as importantly, let's see why pages sometimes 
*don't* get displayed when requested!

It's all about something called "the DNS". DNS stands 
for Domain Name System. Don't be fooled, the DNS is 
actually software that does a job so vital the Internet 
would cease without it.

DNS lets people locate computers on a network using 
words instead of numbers. Computers obviously work 
only in numbers as everything has to be translated into 
numbers at some point. But we humans don't do so well 
remembering a bunch of meaningless digits.

When you register a domain name, you have to "point" 
it to a computer called a "Name Server". There's an IP 
number or IP address associated with a domain name.

The DNS server maintains a database of domain names 
and their corresponding IP addresses. In this hypothetical 
example, if www.mycompany.com were presented to a DNS 
server, the IP address would be returned. And 
the page created by some human would be displayed.

In a real example, if you were to simply type 
""; into your browser's address bar, 
you'd see TAG Hosting's web site. When you type 
"http://taghosting.net"; into the address bar, it does a little 
trick called "resolving" which means the name is turned 
into the site's IP number. Thus, "taghosting.net" is *really* 
""... and the DNS works the magic behind the 

The above is a simplification of a complex process. But 
now you may better understand *why* it is so important to 
"update the DNS" when you move to a new web hosting 
company. Your old host used a totally different Name Server... 
and your old site had a totally different IP address. When you 
update the DNS, you're "pointing" the domain to the new 
Name Server, and to the subsequent IP address for you site.

If you want a picture of the process, simply visit this page: 
http://taghosting.net/how/dns.htm  It'll boggle your mind, 
but only for a moment or two.

Ever read or heard the term, "reverse DNS"? That's 
simply where an IP number is used to locate a domain 
name. It performs the opposite function of the DNS, 
which turns names into numbers.

Turning names into numbers is the job of the DNS.

Turning numbers into names is the job of the Reverse 
DNS. Turning numbers into dollars is the job of people. 
Ah, but that's another topic entirely!

Reverse DNS is used by Internet Service Providers to 
monitor traffic, log statistics, and make sure that email 
is actually coming from the same domain in the FROM field.

Recap: You register a domain name. You associate a 
Name Server with that registration. The domain name 
you registered "points" to the name server, and whenever 
anyone types in your URL or clicks a link with your domain 
in it, they're sent to your site. Without that DNS "pointer"... 
they'd never get there. When you change hosting companies, 
you have to update the DNS, or, in other terms, "modify the 
DNS". You simply log into your Registrar's database, find the 
link that lets you update the DNS, and type in the new name 
server information. This info is always supplied by the new 
web hosting company.
Tom Glander, RN is the owner of http://taghosting.net. 
See why moving your site to Tom's care is a smart move... 
and see how to warm up the usually cold dead world of 
impersonal Web Hosting... 
Quickly now! ==> http://taghosting.net 
~~ by Kathy Jacobs, PowerPointAnswers 
A.  AutoShape - Use them, customize them, fall in love 
with them! 
B.  Backgrounds - Keep them consistent by using the 
master slides. 
C.  Clip Art - Use wisely and appropriately. Give credit 
when credit is due. 
D.  Distribute - Send your presentations on to others on 
a CD, or via email or the web. 
E.  Explore and Experiment - It is the best way to learn. 
Ask questions when you aren't sure. 
F.  Fast saves - Turn them off. Now. Why? They will 
corrupt your documents. 
G.  GIFs - A type of graphic file which allows transparency 
and automation. Remember that the automated ones only 
work in 2000 and later. 
H.  Help - Find it here on PowerPointAnswers.com, on the 
recommended links pages, and in the newsgroup. 
I.  Insert - Insert your graphics and sounds to prevent 
linkage problems. 
J.  Jump - Jump to a specific slide when running your 
presentation by typing in the slide number, followed by 
the enter key. 
K.  Keep a backup - You will be glad you did when your 
file becomes corrupt or someone accidentally deletes it. 
L.  Linking files - When you do have to link to a file, be sure 
the file is in the same folder as the presentation. Send the
 file on when you distribute the presentation. 
M.  Move - You can move your slides around using drop 
and drag in the outline view or the slide view. 
N.  Notes view - Designed for speaker notes, also useful 
for student notes. Don't save your presentation while in 
notes view, as this is a known cause of presentation corruption. 
O.  Outline - An ordered list of the text in your placeholders.
Allows you to change the depth and location of text on 
PowerPoint slides. 
P.  Placeholders - The pre-built places Microsoft lets you 
put text and objects. This text can be automated to allow 
visibility a line at a time. Yes, you want more - we all do! 
Q.  Quit - your presentation when you are done with an 
editing session. But PLEASE don't forget to save it! 
R.  Resist - Overdoing the sounds, graphics, transitions, 
and builds in a presentation will cause your audience to 
watch for the bells and whistles instead of the content. 
S.  Send to Word - A menu option found on the File menu, 
this option lets you create handouts quickly, format those 
handouts, and not waste as much paper. 
T.  Textboxes - A way to add more text to slides. But 
remember, the text in a textbox will come in all at once, 
unlike the text in a placeholder which can be automated. 
U.  Undo - Quick fix for mistakes! 
V.  Visit - Visit this site regularly for tips and techniques. 
Sign up for the ezine so you can receive update notifications 
W.  W key - When pressed while a presentation is running, 
will white out the screen and put the focus on you. Pressing 
the B key will black out the screen. Press the key again to 
continue your presentation. 
X.  Red ones - When they appear in your presentation it means 
PowerPoint is having a problem with your graphics. If you are 
using a Novell network, this will happen to you. 
Y.  "Y not Check the Help function? It is easy to use and 
has lots of answers!" 
Z.  ZZZZZ - Follow the advice here and your audience won't be 
catching any zzzzz's during your presentation!  
Kathryn Jacobs, BrainBench MVP, MS PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint answers at http://www.powerpointanswers.com
Cook anything outdoors with http://www.outdoorcook.com
Hardware, software, and history: http://www.oldcpu.com

Kathy is a trainer, writer, Girl Scout, parent, and whatever else 
there is time for.

"I believe life is meant to be lived. But: if we live without 
making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived"
~~ by Steve Humphrey, 
Author, "Learn To Use CGI in Two Hours"
Visitors come to your site and don't buy on their first visit. 
It often takes 6-7 visits before they buy. So, how do you 
get their business if they don't come back? For that matter, 
how do you get them to come back? 

One answer is to run a contest. Not just any old contest 
will do! It must be crafted to keep them returning again 
and again. Lots of smart people will tell you that running 
a contest will help but they don't tell you how to do it. 
Here's a blueprint you can alter to suit your purposes. 

Every aspect of the contest was handled by CGI scripts 
and a couple of web pages. Even selecting the winner 
was done by a script. This final script simply located the 
persons with the most referrals. It drew one at random 
if there was a tie for first place. 

One of my clients came up with the basic idea and we 
developed it together as a team. People would get one 
"entry" into the contest when they signed up for one or 
more of his newsletters. They would get another "entry" 
for each person they referred. 

It was hugely successful. During the 60 days of the 
contest, over 45,000 new people had subscribed to my 
client's newsletters. They were coming back to his site 
over and over again. Orders for ezine ads poured in. 

At the end of the contest period a week-long cruise 
vacation to Montego Bay, Jamaica was awarded to the 
winner. Generally, if the prize is valued at over $500, some 
authorities in your state may expect to be notified. There 
are various requirements; check with the appropriate state 
agency for details. 

We posted a complete set of rules for the contest on the 
Web site. We announced the contest itself as well as the 
current front-runners in each issue of my client's newsletters. 

Each person entering the contest was assigned a 
Personal Identification Number (PIN). The PIN was 
used to connect them with their referrals. Next, a person 
was given the chance to tell their friends about the contest. 

We made everything as easy as possible for the contestants. 
All they had to do was supply the email address and name 
and the scripts did the rest. 

They'd be shown the message that was about to be sent 
to their friend. We were making every effort to be honest 
with them and not cause any ill will. 

When their friend(s) entered the contest, using a PIN we 
gave them, their "referral count" would be be increased. 
To win, a contestant had to get the most referrals. In the 
event of a multi-person tie for first place, the software would 
automatically conduct a random drawing. 

During the contest, each contestant was able to use a 
special Web page to monitor the contest. They'd see the 
top- ranked contestants and the number of referrals each 
one had made. They could log in with their PIN and see 
their own referrals, too. 

They were able to come back to the site at any time and 
enter new referrals. We added a small form that would look 
up their PIN in case they'd forgotten it. They could send their 
own emails to friends to tell them about the contest. They 
could place ezines ads giving contest details and a PIN to use. 

Keeping up with all those contestants, who they referred, 
how many they referred, etc., was a job for a database 
engine. Since we had MySQL on a server we controlled, 
we used that. The scripting was done in Perl. 

Two Perl modules were needed: DBI.pm and the MySQL 
module for Perl. The modules are chunks of Perl code that 
let a script send commands in SQL (the generic language 
of databases) from the script to the MySQL database 
engine (program). 

You can use a different database; you just need the the 
database-specific module so Perl can "talk" to it through 
the DBI module. DBI is needed regardless of which 
database you use. Specific modules exist for Oracle, 
PostGres, etc. 

We verified the email addresses of all the winner's 
referrals; we would have to disqualify a contestant if 
any of the addresses were faked - and award the prize 
to someone else. We designed the code so that any 
attempts to cheat actually decreased your odds of winning
 - and it was all automatic! 

Thousands of names and email addresses are in the 
database. The referral counts have been reset to zero 
and we are ready to launch another contest at any time 
we choose. 

The programming effort, for the most part is all done. 
We'll just have to edit the contest page(s) and the rules 
page to reflect the new prize and the new "start" and "end" 
dates. We can easily get *at least* as large a subscriber 
boost with our next contest! 

Here's the bottom line: You'll get more visitors, and 
they'll visit again and again. You get to show them 
your offer enough times to win their business. No matter 
what product or service you're selling, an automated 
referral contest is something you should seriously consider.
Steve Humphrey promises that you can learn to use 
CGI to turn your own website into a marketing machine 
in two hours or less with his excellent CGI learning system: 
Learn to Use CGI in 2 Hours. Required reading for anyone 
who wants to automate their website or their marketing efforts. 
Go here for more information:
(17.) RESISTANCE IS FUTILE ~ Using the Internet
~ by Sara Hardy, 
Publisher,The OnLine Exchange Ezine
Don't laugh, but I have a confession to make. After 
owning a business online now for almost 3 years, I 
finally looked into paying my bills online. Like I said, 
don't laugh.

I had to hear from quite a few people that they- pay their 
bills online, how easy it is, and how they have had no 
problems- just to take a look at the option. I have been 
resisting this "new" option with all of my being.

But I finally took the plunge, and momentarily, I kind 
of look forward to paying my bills. I still don't like parting 
with the money one bit, of course. But it is so easy, and 
new. I know, it will wear off.

This monumental leap of faith got me thinking about the 
businesses and people who are still resisting the way the 
world has changed, now that everyone else has jumped 
on the world wide web band wagon.

Getting Down to Business

A few days after setting up my account to pay my bills 
online, I received a newsletter in the mail from my local 
Credit Union and it had a short article about the fact that 
many merchants don't even use your check when you pay 
the bill. They use the data from the check, but can do 
without the transporting of paper checks from one place 
to another. It is expensive and inefficient and soon will be 
history. I am sure we will being seeing more about this with 
the coming hike in the cost of postage. I think this is a strong 
indicator that everyone who resists the changes in technology 
will soon be left in the dust. This effects everyone.

What about businesses? It is so aggravating when businesses 
you deal with are still resisting using email. Some resist 
implementing computers as well. As time goes on, do they 
really imagine they will stay in business? Have you noticed 
that the simplest products or businesses have their own website? 
Isn't that the first thing you look for with anything you purchase, 
or want to purchase?

Get With It

If you aren't convinced that the majority of the people 
are using the internet, go to your public library and watch 
to see how many people are coming just to get on the 
internet. Those computers never get a break!

Or take a renewed interest in how many people you 
know have an email address. I tend to neglect getting 
that information from people, because I spend my time 
on the computer working, so I rarely feel like doing 
anything online that doesn't involve my business. So, 
I continue to be surprised at the people that I know who 
are keeping up with the times.

Still, I bet you can list off at least ten people you know 
who would never, ever pop up in an instant message to say 
"Hi". But those people will, one day, and probably very soon.

My Grandparents are that way. I am amazed that they 
got a cell phone, because they don't even have call waiting 
on their home phone. I personally can't stand the thought 
of not being able to get through when someone is on the 
phone. Call waiting is a must for me. So I can never imagine 
them operating a computer and I can never imagine them 
sending email. Something that is the first thing I do in the 
morning and the last thing I do at night. And they have 
never sent one, never received one, and have no intention 
of doing so in the near future. They have seen so much of 
technology become reality. Their resistance is very strong, 
but I know the day will come.

I have a friend like that to. She had a old computer given to 
her. She doesn't realize how much easier using the computer 
would be if she got a newer one. Now, she has signed up with 
an ISP and pays less then $5 a month, which means she can 
only be online a total of five hours a month! I could use that 
up in my sleep!

How can they stand not giving in to what is now the norm?? 
While the internet isn't always what it is cracked up to be, today 
you just can not do without it. It is extremely useful and valuable 
to most people. Many are building their entire lives online.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

You can chat, complain, listen to the radio, read the 
newspaper, shop, pay bills, participate in auctions, fall in 
love, make friends, make a living, make trouble, explore 
new worlds, translate other languages, teach your children, 
find old friends, send greeting cards, send instant messages, 
send email, get junk mail, file taxes, save money, invest, 
get ripped-off, get inspired, get support, get advice, get 
viruses, get mad, be entertained, become isolated, become 
a pest, become enlightened... all online.

This is not going to change. This is what makes up our world. 
We will only find more and more ways to lead a completely 
virtual life. Basically, when you get right down to it, 
Resistance is Futile.
Sara Hardy is the publisher of The OnLine Exchange Ezine, 
which has been in circulation for over 3 years, with over 
28,000 faithful subscribers. Go here to subscribe: 
http://marketingtrendz.com and start your FREE 
Membership to the Profit Zone, giving you unlimited 
access to FREE marketing tools, ebooks, resources 
and more!
Well, gang.....that's about it for this edition of 
ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers. I sure hope you enjoyed it! If 
any of it was over your head and you need some clarification 
from one of the Fleet, just send me an email to 
linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I will pass it on 
to them. Remember that they do this in their spare time on 
a voluntary basis, so you might have to wait for an answer. 
To make all things work more quickly, include as many details 
as you can in your email and make your questions as specific 
as possible. Also, feel free to write to me and let us know 
what you want the Fleet to teach you. This is YOUR newsletter!
Happy computing, my friends!
Linda Johnson
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Thank you for reading "ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers".

(Copyright) 2001, 2002 - ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers, 
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Thank you and I hope to continue to bring you a newsletter 
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Linda Johnson


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