[56raf_firebirds] Re: Fwd: Subscription request for '56raf_firebirds'

  • From: "Lee Fisher" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ("l.fisher")
  • To: 56raf_firebirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 13:21:19 +0100

I’ve deleted the request, did any of the other site admin’s see it?
I’m pretty sure we knew you had a 56 Sqn server. Thanks for offer, should we need to be able to talk. For now the Blackhearts are fine using Discord and SRS. 

Sent from my iPad

On 8 May 2023, at 11:18, 56RAF_phoenix <phoenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 Witch - No. Yesterday, I invited Springer to rejoin on a direct email to him. But this is not his email.
I suspect his email is truly hacked. Hence the cc.

Well done for asking, Witch.

Interestingly, I also emailed our TS password to him in the same email, so everyone watch out for suspect joiners. Now, the password doesn't give any privileges other than being able to join the default channel, so we're reasonably safe.
Witch - as a side issue - if you and Bart fly with, or against us, I'd be happy to give you a TS channel for that purpose. However, it is a squad resource, for squad members and we have a fixed number of slots that cost a total of ~£40/year.
Don't take that personally, I'd say the same to any other flyers or other squads we cooperate with.

On 08/05/2023 05:47, Lee Fisher (l.fisher) wrote:
Anyone recognise this request to join this email list?

Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:

From: FreeLists Mailing List Manager <ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 8 May 2023 at 04:47:21 BST
To: 56raf_firebirds-admins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Subscription request for '56raf_firebirds'

# Subscription request received from grannyflats@xxxxxx
# for the address grannyflats@xxxxxx and list 56raf_firebirds
Please follow the URL below to complete the process.


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